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For me lang @blesseddamsel bridal shower is really not necessary if the couple is in tight budget esp if they only prioritize the wedding but there's nothing wrong really to have a bridal shower. Hehe if friends mohimo ana for the bride then that's great why not diba. It will be the last night nga single ta and no more turning back na once makasal na. Haha if ako lang, I would be willing jod to host my friend's bridal shower as in pohon. Pa host ka dai? 😂🥰😄


Very well said @jeennicious so it's not really necessary ba? It just depends on the love ones of the bride if they wanted to send her blessings from the last day of her being single. Pa host oks said jen pero wa koy groom paman 😂

Haha ayee pohon. 😄☺️