Mini Shiva 🕉️ Harry The Lamb 🐑 & Other Things Behind The Scenes Of @Sreypov's Insect Posts 🤳



Today I found some good Hive content shadowing my wife while she took photos to use in one of her nearly daily insect posts.

Harry Is A Good Boy 🐑


     @Sreypov announced she was going for an insect walk today, so I headed out in advance to greet my main Harry the lamb. I found him chillaxing in the banana garden grazing and just being his positive self. I'll be leaving this little guy soon, so I've been trying to gather as much footage as possible for "Harry memories."

Technological Difficulties 🔧


     Before we even got the ball rolling, Monkey-B had some shoe problems, specifically a shoe full of rocks. Just the other day I went to aggressively put on my house shoes, and when I jammed my right foot in, it only made it 50% of the way into the shoe before meeting a ball of jelly-like resistance. The ball of resistance was a bullfrog I nearly smashed to death with my foot, what a traumatic experience for a frog that thought he had found a forever hole/home.

Dad, Look At Me! 🗣️


     My wife has an eye for the micro/macro, but I like to capture moments and perspectives, although I'm only 50/50 with my success rate for photo ideas. High up in this tree @sreypov was trying to get a picture of the inside of a bird nest by putting her phone above it and taking a picture. There are some eggs near hatching, so she has been checking on them daily.


     After taking a picture of the nest from above with an extended arm, only then can she look at the photo and see what's going on inside the nest. The locals passing by on the street looked at us like we were crazy, I guess because we look like tourists taking pictures of seemingly mundane things for locals. Little do they know we are earning crypto on foot near home while they are driving far to earn fiat by car.


     The landlord recently bought a new songbird which keeps in small cage on his porch. I wanted to get a picture of it, but as I approached it became extremely nervous and stressed, so I backed away to let it recover. I bet this poor little guy was captured from the wild, so sad to take such a beautiful creature from the wild and imprison it for the novelty of its song.

Om Namah Shivayah 🕉️


     I mentioned I tend to focus more on perspectives when I shadow my wife on her nature photography trips around the landlord's property. While she was trying to get the perfect shot, I found mini Shiva with Vasuki in between my wife and I, and I thought it to be a good perspective for a photo.

Fake It To Make It 😬


     The above photo was taken by special request. The situations she gets into while trying to get the perfect insect aren't exactly glamourous poses, so she asked me to shoot this ultra-staged shot, where if you look closely you'll notice there are no insects, she's just pretending to be a photographer while actually being a photographer. This is how you break the matrix I think.

More Poo Pumpkins Ready For Harvest 💩


     The septic tank pumpkins continue to grow unchecked, and soon there will be another batch for sale in a neighborhood store that is not within walking distance of our place. Honestly speaking, I'm not eating another pumpkin for at least 6 months, poo-laced or not.

Gonna Miss You Harry 🤗


     Sheep are said to be followers, but Harry has great leadership potential. He's proven himself to be smarter than any dog I've ever had, and he is the most inquisitive creature I have ever known. I think it's easy to say he's been the greatest source of joy in my family's life since he was born. Live long and prosper Harry.


Monkey B
 3 years ago  

Hahhaa.. the bull frog must have gotten a shock.. in Malaysia, currently, there aren't a lot of bull frogs. I've seen what they can do on YouTube but not in real life..

Finally, I get to see the behind the scenes on how your wife takes pictures using macro mode. She is really good at it. Sometimes , those mundane moments are those that we miss. When a time lockdowns came, the boring jogging became exciting.

Harry is gonna be really sad... When your family leaves. His drilling abilities are gonna be taken for granted and potential wasted. Hahaha.. but I can't wait to be watching your future YouTube videos when you do interview Cambodians.

 3 years ago  

So true, we've lost a lot of freedoms during the last several years, so even walk to the store is post-worthy, because even that is regulated by curfews and lockdowns. I really wish the landlord would play with him when we go, but now Harry has learned how to jump and ram at the same time, and now I worry he could knock my teeth out if my timing is off even by a second.

I am so excited to interview Cambodians, and to me more than any reason for traveling, I simply love to ask people I meet the secret to health and happiness. If I was a millionaire and never had to work, I'd just wander the world asking these questions to everyone I meet.

 3 years ago  

Wow... that is one scary new skills for Harry who already know how to dribble. Getting a tooth gone is definitely something not worth experiencing..

I think that's how life should be but many people always aim for those expensive cars, houses, aquiring more debt just for others to see how well off they are. But in reality, they are in a really bad situation. Hope that you can get to do some interviewing when your there. I would be excited to watch.. =)

 3 years ago  

Stay tuned....

 3 years ago  

Can't wait.. hehehe.. Have a great day.. =)

 3 years ago  

The one of a kind family hivers! Lovely family! 🥰
@spreypov was caught by your camera as she is taking pictures of her subject insects. I am also like her sometimes faking the shots as if I am doing something. 😁
I saw Harry again today. ❤️

 3 years ago  

Her English must be getting better, because she was able to read about that photo being faked. She gave me a good punch on the arm for that one, but all in good fun. Harry is never out of place in any post, he will be missed so much.

 3 years ago  

Hahaha. I do the same punching on the arm with her reaction. 😁 It seems to be a natural habit. 😁
Of course her English will be improving because you are a good teacher. 🥰
Harry is a legend too her in hive. 🥰

Ah, loved seeing snippets of @sreypov's adventure insect photography!

Yes I'd beware those pumpkins, ahah... although... if you're starving, you know...

Om namo shivaya - **Breaks into song. So lovely, is Shiva.

I hpoe that frog is okay. What a story to tell his froggie mates.

 3 years ago  

Definitely not eating any more pumpkins until we're in a new country. The poompkin saga has put a mental barrier up to eating this overrated vegetable. I am glad it was a frog and not a scorpion. When I lived in Colorado for 6 years, scorpions were a common shoe find, so I used to be in the habit of checking my footwear first. Pov takes her nature photography very seriously, and I think it shows in these shots.

 3 years ago (edited) 

ខ្ញុំដូចជាតួសម្ដែងសម្រាប់ការធ្វើផុសរបស់អ្នក តើខ្ញុំបានប៉ុន្មានមកពីការសម្ដែងនេះ

 3 years ago  

Your royalty checks will start rolling in when you get famous.

hello my friend @justinparke I am very happy to see Harry eating grass voraciously, thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago (edited) 

Haha, almost as if he chewed with extra effort when he realized he was on camera 😁.