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RE: Paper Photo Frame & Box


I really love when you add spiraled paper to your creations, it gives your crafts another dimension, very cool.

I love your content, but I notice your engagement with other Hivers is very low, and also when you do engage with other Hivers, it's only comments of a few few words. I leave a thoughtful comment on every post you share in this community, and I can't recall if you've ever visited my blog even once.

Do remember that engagement is a priority in this community, and it's a shame because it's the only thing keeping me from designating you an ASEAN Hive Star 🌠.


Right. I know that I need engagement with other hivers. I prioritize posting. This is my weakness. I will visit you and other hivers' blogs. I will be friendly. Thank you very much for telling me.I will prepare what is needed.