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RE: We lose one of our founding members to the great "on up."


He doesn't look like a guy that would have a squeaky voice, so that kind of intrigued me. Was his passing a surprise or was his health in decline leading up to this. Obviously he'd made it to 80 already, so either way an admirable run, pun intended I guess.

 2 years ago  

His voice was always a surprise to people that first met him because nobody is expecting that. He had a sense of humor about it and it was in no way a false voice, that was just what he sounded like. It definitely made him funnier.

He had mentioned his declining health and was missing events on a regular basis. He was also dropping a lot of weight and I think the he and everyone else knew that when that happens that the end is just around the corner.

Don't mind the pun, this is something that we state almost exactly on the regular.