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RE: The cheapest king of fruit in Pontianak , Indonesia . - "For The Love Of Fruit"-


Haha, I have heard of some SE Asian countries that ban durian on public transport and in hotels, but in Cambodia you can open a durian on a bus, but you'll likely have to share it with everyone 🤣. Everyone here loves the smell, and I do too, but I don't like to eat it. I guess I am the opposite of most people because it seems those who like the taste often don't like the smell. I do love jackfruit though, and when my wife and I go to the market we often disagree on which one to buy.

 last year  

Yeah , in our country and maybe Indonesia they prohibit people to bring durian inside the hotel . Sometimes some hotel didnt allowed other fruit inside the room. My friend say that some customer didnt like the smell and it was very hard to remove the smell from the room . They even fined customer that bring the fruit inside .

Jackfruit is one of my favourite . My wife love mango , she even dont mind i called her mango monster . Lucky , the was 2 mango trees at hometown that fruit all year.