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RE: UPDATE: Dog named "no home" gets a forever home!


Thanks for that. Without organizations like our own, nothing would be done for most of these animals. Thailand has no official animal control and situations are handled by the people or if they are handled by the police it is normally done in a very inhumane way. Poisoning dogs is just horrible. It is a very slow and agonizing death.


Saya seorang muslim tapi saya pernah merawat anjing dan saya juga pernah di hujat karena memeliharanya prinsip saya bahwa semua mahluk yang bernyawa punya hak untuk hidup.
Dan waktu itu saya akan merasa berdosa jika anjing yang aku temukan mati kelaparan.

I am a Muslim but I once cared for a dog and I was also criticized for keeping it. My principle is that all sentient creatures have the right to live.
And at that time I would feel guilty if the dog I found died of starvation.