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RE: Family Vacation to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Malaysia) | Part 6 - Kamagi Riverside Retreat (continuation)


Hi hi Olivia.. wow.. such a nice trip.. hahahha great to see your husband being there all the time.. even as a male, I do a lot of feminine stuff at home so I understand the struggles of any housewife.

The non stop chores and chores and chores. Then kids need a lot attention. This is a nice post. I do understand why mom's overprotect kids.. it's the fear inside... Of what if they fall down.. are they still alrite. It's a survival instinct built into human evolution I guess to make sure that the next generation of humans makes it alive. Dads have more of the hunting instinct still inside till today as he goes out to work... to be the breadwinner of the family.

You write pretty well .. good writing level. Have a great day. Keep on fighting... Your kids are going to appreciate their great mom who is always there for them.

 2 years ago  

You are absolutely right about our different instinct. For the same survival reason male and female hormones work very differently too. Female hormone estrogen tends to keep fat in the body so our body can nourish children but that also means it's harder to shed unwanted weight. Male hormone testosterone tends to keep muscles for physical work like hunting and that is why it's easier for men to build muscles compare to women. But I digress haha...

 2 years ago  

Yea.. that's right.. evolution.. but kids usually tend to be closer to mom rather than dad's.. my opinion la. Men usually have pot bellies.. hahaha.. That's why I have to keep working out.. to make sure that my belly doesn't pop out.. wahahaa.. Thanks for such a great reply. hahaha.. =) Have a great weekend.. Weekends got free time right? since no need to drive kids to school.