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RE: 👩‍💻 My 12-Year-Old Daughter Now Earns More Than Cambodian Minimum Wage 🤑 Thanks To Hive 🙌

Amazing! This is the commencement of the globalised citizen. Content creators have predominantly profited of YouTube videos and the like but with Decentralised Social Media a better system has been developed that sees those profits more diversified and reaching more people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago  

I am not sexy enough to earn from mainstream social media, but this turban-wearing ginger has found a welcome home on Hive, and I can't wait to bring more Cambodians into the ASEAN Hive Community. I think it's safe to say Cambodia and Laos are the most underserved SE Asian countries when it comes to computer literacy, crypto awareness, etc.