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RE: Oops! 👷 Did This Dumptruck Tip Over On Our Land? 🛻


Keep up the spirit for the gentlemen who drive dam trucks, I hope they are also in good condition, and their sustenance is also made easy.

 2 years ago  

The trucks broke down several times and had to be repaired, and the bossman would always come and shout at them. Well, the bossman should be nicer, because when we needed to buy some diesel for the tuk-tuk, the crew insisted we have some from their excavator supply that belonged to the bossman. We were reluctant to accept it for fear they would get in trouble, but they insisted because we allowed to use our house and sleep at our place for free for a few days.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  

All repaired and the dirt hauling is done, now we've got a lot of shovel work to do.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment