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RE: Oops! 👷 Did This Dumptruck Tip Over On Our Land? 🛻

Luckily for the truck driver, if they overturned, it would be a pity for them to make a living for their family. When I come to the hospital I see things that are lacking It's nice not wanting to go back to the hospital, but we need a hospital, something we don't have a choice.

 2 years ago  

You're right, and even worse, they told us the bossman is very cruel and stingy, so surely it would've been a massive burden for the driver to repay. The Cambodian medical system is very behind other ASEAN countries, and the provincial hospitals are the worst. Even if you're lucky enough to make to the capital, the medical care even in Phnom Penh is not on par with international standards. This was another reason we bought this land near the Thai border, because if we have any medical emergencies, we will try to reach a Thai hospital.