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RE: First Post From 'Merica 🦅 Kentuckiana 🌪️ Where The Bible Belt, Rust Belt, & Tornado Alley Collide


Some question sir, so you carry gun over there? Do your dad carry gun for self protection? I see weather at there is cooling by now. And your dad looks so young too 👍🏻 I like the name of junkyard - auto salvage 😅 and the mechanic response 🤣🤣 surely is epic when he said it. And welcome to the merica sir

 2 years ago  

My dad doesn't carry a gun (not 100% sure), neither do I. My Rastafari spirituality prevents me from carrying a gun or engaging in things only meant for destruction, but I am really weird here. The reason why I call it 'Merica is because of people like the mechanic, I always forget how much foul language people use around my hometown. It's not very elegant or warm-feeling?

 2 years ago  

Ah I see. As you know asean we aren't allow so this got my attention 😅. I guess in real scene would be different from movie right 😅