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RE: Thai Chow Restaurant 👩‍🍳 Next To The Railroad Tracks & Inside A Tow-Truck Business 🤫 A Kentuckiana Secret


I did however, see an old banana-colored Lincoln Town

I saw this once. It is a long and wide car. Bigger than most sedan car is Malaysia

She hasn't been back to Thailand in at least 30 years, and has not one single Thai friend to speak her language with.

That is sad...

But it is the sacrifice that she's made for her kids, so that they will have a better life than her.

I can now even pull a full strand of hair out of my food and continue eating, and once upon a time this used to ruin a meal for me.

That is a sign that you are more Asean than Aseans 😁

 2 years ago  

My mom once had a similar car when I was young, and it was yellow too. We called it the "banana boat." I think she questions every day whether or not coming to the USA was a better decision, and I know that must be tough for her.

Sidenote - the best part is when you discover the hair already halfway down your throat, so you pull it out by tugging on the end and you can feel the hair scratching your throat on the way back out. 😁 Then you continue eating like nothing happened.........ASEAN BOSS!!!