broken sweet is a witness for pregnant women


Sweet salad is a kind of salad. made from fresh fruit with a spicy sweet sauce. The fruits used include: young mango, yam, salak, almost mature papaya, kedondong, guava, cucumber, star fruit, and others. The sauce used is made of palm sugar, peanuts, tamarind, salt, lime, and chili The fruit is peeled, bought and then sliced ​​thinly. The ingredients for the sauce are mashed and then given a little liquid to make it thick. The final sauce is sprinkled over the fruit before eating and eating
Tradition related to the existing sweet salad In aceh, sweet rujak is one of the important elements in gatherings for mothers or friends who like ngerujak or seven months. When a woman is pregnant and her pregnancy has entered the age of seven months, a seven-month ceremony will be prepared. One of the foods in the ceremony is rujak. In contrast to ordinary rujak, the rujak used in this ceremony uses ingredients from the inner skin of young coconuts which are chopped into short and small fibers and mixed with small pieces of fruit. Besides rujak, mature tubers are also included and a traditional snack called sweet rujak is very refreshing when you enjoy the taste of rujak aceh cash.

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