in LIVING IN GIFT4 years ago


Beautiful Living Men and Women....

How are you today? I've been having literally revelation after revelation, transitioning into full Gift Culture: I'll be making a series of videos and blogcasts on this over the next months - the world is much in need of new models of economy, connection, wholeness and solution - we're on it!

Here's a link to the series of THE HEALTH OF THE WORLD podcasts

These podcasts have been recorded in 2020, throughout the global psychosis around the covid - in response to the situation on multiple levels, and offering solutions in terms of personal sovereignty, whole health, freedom, power and responsibility.

We live in times of unprecedented Gift - there has never been such treasure, growth, healing and possibility for change... Let's keep our minds, hearts and souls on the Better Normal that we know is our destiny!

Much love and blessings on your day,