BOX & the BOYS

in CATSNAPS4 years ago

New box arrival goes right to the living room floor for investigation....

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Older cat Larry, going into the box. You might say is a box expert. Growing up he had plenty of boxes to explore. His specialty after investigation was to chew holes in the sides...

His brother Curly back then, liked to retrieve a small toy mouse. I would throw it from one room to another into a large box. Curly would run jump into the box get the mouse and bring it back to me. This would go on until I got tired...

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Young Patty taking it all in...

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This was an all boy adventure...


Attention all cat lovers ... Use the Tag #catsnaps when you have great pictures of your cats or any cat and have little to say about the pictures ... #catsnaps is looking for cat eye-candy ...


Also check out ... #dpet Community by @kona .. post with tag.. #dailypetphotography
... #Caturday Community by @saboin
... #hivecats Community by @curatorcat
... #CatPhotos Community by @andrarchy

Story of the Manorville cats ...


Nice cats 🐈

Thanks... 🐈

You need more cats... and more boxes!

I need more boxes to put the cats in to send to you...🙀🙀

These cats should become private investigators! They are very active and alert on their job!

If I could only get them real jobs....:-)

Then you’ll have to open an private detective company! But it’s not worth it because of taxation and mask wearing!

Thanks so much for partaking in #dailypetphotography!

Please find our post at or

Please follow @dpet for upcoming events.
Our discord channel is up and running, come on over and say hi, lots of avil pet owners are awaiting you there.



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