in CATSNAPS3 years ago

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Four year old Patty on the right, is snuggling up to fourteen old Uncle Larry. This is only happening since Bear is out of commission in my room most of the time with a chronic sore mouth.

Bear usually naps with Larry and his Mama.. Nice to see some positive socialization.


Picture of Bear from yesterday, under the covers. Today he had a bad day.. was under the covers all day. He will get a biopsy Friday.


Better days...


I hope it's something simple!

Not likely, poor cat.. poor me..

Hope little Bear is back to feeling good real soon...😎

Thanks @angryman ... looks like a long haul to achieve..

I hope the biopsy is good news, but rarely is. At least he has a lot of friends and family to be with him.

We all bare a cross to carry in our lives .. this is Bears. Thanks for your concern @bashadow

Crossing my paws that Bear's biopsy reveals something treatable and manageable.


Thanks @curatorcat day at a time..

подарите это коту) !LUV

Спасибо.. передам коту ваши добрые пожелания.

Your cats are big, I need those beds for my cats, they are beautiful.

Best wishes to your cats.