Cacao food of the gods

in The Herbal Hive3 years ago (edited)

This post is written in double language, for this reason you will find first a text completely developed in English, followed by one completely written in Spanish.

Este post esta escrito en doble lenguaje, por esta razón encontrará primero un texto completamente desarrollado en ingles, seguido de uno completamente escrito en español.

English (2).jpg


Being present and opening the heart, two of the things that sometimes cost the most when we live in this crazy social world. In my particular case anxiety often accompanies me, it is an old friend that from time to time forces me to rethink my present, to stop running and slow down a little, just remember that there are no goals to achieve, fulfillment and happiness are here and now, we should not waste these gifts of life. In my last trip to Amazonas I had the opportunity to work with the beautiful gift of cocoa, a powerful medicine to listen to our being that speaks to us from the deepest.



Cocoa, a seed that was called by the natives as "The food of the Gods", has been a plant of power used for over 2500 years, comes from the American peoples and its use was born with the Aztec natives in Mexico, who prepared it by mixing it with other herbs and spices, resulting in a bitter drink that is totally medicinal. This drink was consumed only by emperors and nobles. They takes a fermentation process to obtain a paste that can then be used as desired, eventually in Europe it was combined with sugar, milk and some other ingredients that gave way to the chocolate that we consume today (although these mixtures make it lose its properties, as well as making it a very rich but no longer so healthy treat).


Plant medicine

Cocoa is a bean rich in minerals, antioxidants and some polyphenols, which makes it be considered a superfood when it is in its pure form (not mixed with sugars or fats). In it we can find mainly theobromine, Zinc, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Potassium.

Among the benefits that these nutrients provide we can find that cocoa helps us to:

  • Strengthen the immune system,
  • Protect the cardiovascular system by helping to lower bad cholesterol and improving blood pressure,
  • Control anxiety,
  • Increases libido,
  • Protects the memory,
  • Improves skin health,
  • Activates metabolism,
  • Eliminates fatigue,
  • It is effective in cases of angina pectoris,
  • Reduces symptoms of lithiasis or kidney stones.


In addition, it helps to modulate the intestinal microbiota and the reduction of the risk of diabetes. But as I said before, only if it is consumed in its pure form without adding sugar, milk or some other additives that on the contrary, make it harmful to health.

Ancestral plant

Its ancestral use comes from the native tribes of Mexico, who used it in rituals of abundance, funerals, and welcome ceremonies.

During a ceremony cocoa works in a subtle way our consciousness, opening our feelings, allowing us to think with the most important brain we have "The heart". The Ceremony starts from the moment the beverage begins to be prepared, from the moment we come in contact with the paste and the aroma reaches us. Thanks to the theobromine we stimulate our focus and creativity which leads us to reach a sense of pleasure and well being helping to open healing processes of the spirit to solve problems, to find solutions from love and understanding of what has hurt us and has created armors in us.


Cocoa Ceremony

The spirit of CACAO allows us to harmonize with our emotions, with our own spirit in order to get what we need without the mind binding us. You will let go of what does not serve you and you will process in a deep way the transformation and change you need.

Gloria Hidalgo is a beautiful friend who took this practice to the churuata, along with two other local friends, Romi and Mariposa, we organized a ceremony to share with the Wottuja family, we bought the cocoa and we gathered to open the feeling of a whole tribe.


It all started while outdoors we tried to light a small firewood to cook a cauldron with cocoa, which had to change a couple of times since it was a rainy day. Ceremonially the cocoa is prepared in a proportion of 40g of pure cocoa for each cup of water for each of those who will drink it. This begins to take effect 30 minutes after ingesting it, of course this varies in each person, some people feel it before and others a little later, depending on the speed of their metabolism.


This time we chose the spices, the accompanying herbs, a touch of spice, while we all prepared flower offerings to be delivered the next day after the Temascal Ceremony at the river. We played heart medicine music and when the cacao was ready we went to the river to pamper ourselves by giving ourselves a little love with white clay mixed over the same cacao we had prepared (this is not part of the ritual, but it is how we were born to share).




At sunset we sat in a circle, Gloria gave an introduction to all present, starting with a conscious breath, inviting everyone to connect with their heart through the drink allowing to activate and align the whole being and so she began to serve the cocoa. She passed it to her right asking each and everyone to pass the cups with an intention for the person who was going to drink it at the end.


The drink begins to accelerate the blood flow in our body, so the irrigation of our brain increases bringing as a consequence clarity and presence of thought. Our heart begins to beat stronger so the music started slow, soft melodies to feel comfortable and to be able to listen to ourselves because on a subtle level the heart chakra expands and we can feel it more clearly.


On an emotional level it makes us more receptive, helps us to let go, reconnects our loving side, gentleness and love are present to help us relate to ourselves and those around us.

Grandma Carmen, Grandpa Rufino's life partner, participated along with her daughters and some other family members, she gave us some words since this was also her first time taking this medicine and then she encouraged us to end this meeting dancing around the transmuting fire. The energy moved as well as our hearts and now happy and lighter we thanked this power plant for its infinite benefits to our body and spirit.



For me it was a ceremony of expansion of my feelings, all that repressed, little things that hurt and that have taken more time than it was supposed (according to me) to heal. I took advantage of the moment and the fire to offer him some letters of liberation for my soul and for those involved in that shared wound. I offered him with much faith while I sang to them and I could feel how that power was reactivated within my being. There is nothing more than being understanding and loving with ourselves, giving love goes beyond giving to others, you transcend this thought when you understand that you must begin with yourself and so that seed grows and gives its fruits to all those who approach. Forgiveness eliminates resentment, it gives us peace and it is only obtained by lovingly understanding that everything has a purpose that leads us to healing.


This has been all for today, I hope you liked it and motivated you to try this wonderful ancestral medicine. With much love I say goodbye wishing you a wonderful week. Adiwa!

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Estar presentes y abrir el corazón, dos de las cosas que mas cuestan en ocasiones cuando vivimos en este alocado mundo social. En mi caso particular la ansiedad me acompaña frecuentemente es una vieja amiga que de vez en cuando me obliga a replantearme mi presente, para dejar de correr y frenarme un poco, solo recordar que no hay metas que alcanzar, la plenitud y la felicidad están aquí y ahora, no debemos desperdiciar estos obsequios de la vida. En mi ultimo viaje a Amazonas tuve la oportunidad de trabajar con el bonito regalo del cacao, una medicina poderosa para escuchar nuestro ser que nos habla desde lo mas profundo.



El cacao, una Semilla que fue llamada por los indígenas como "El alimento de los Dioses", ha sido una planta de poder usada desde hace mas de 2500 años, proviene de los pueblos americanos y su uso nace con los indígenas Aztecas en Mexico, quienes lo preparaban mezclando con otras hierbas y especias quedando una bebida amarga que es totalmente medicinal. Dicha bebida era consumida solo por los emperadores y nobles. Esta semilla lleva un proceso de fermentación para obtener una pasta que luego puede ser usada como se desee, con el tiempo en Europa se llego a combinar con azúcar, leche y algunos otros ingredientes que dieron paso al chocolate que hoy en día consumimos. (aunque estas mezclas hacen que pierda sus propiedades, así como también lo convierte en una golosina muy rica pero ya no tan saludable)


Medicina contenida en la planta

El cacao es una semilla rica en minerales, antioxidantes y algunos polifenoles lo que lo hace ser considerado como un super alimento cuando esta en su forma pura (sin mezclar con azúcares o grasas). En el podemos encontrar principalmente teobromina, Zinc, Magnesio, Manganeso, Cobre, Hierro, Potasio.

Entre los beneficios que estos nutrientes brindan podemos encontrar que el cacao nos ayuda a:

  • Fortalecer el sistema inmune,
  • Proteger el sistema cardiovascular ayudando a disminuir el colesterol malo y mejorando la presión arterial,
  • Control de la ansiedad,
  • Aumenta la libido,
  • Protege la memoria,
  • Mejora la salud de la piel,
  • Activa el metabolismo,
  • Elimina la fatiga,
  • Es eficaz en casos de angina de pecho,
  • Reduce los síntomas de litiasis o cálculos renales.


Además, ayuda a modular la microbiota intestinal y la reducción del riesgo de diabetes. Pero como dije anteriormente, solo si es consumido en su forma pura sin agregarle azúcar, leche o algunos otros aditivos que al contrario, lo hacen perjudicial para la salud.

Planta de poder

Su uso ancestral proviene de las tribus indígenas de Mexico, quienes lo empleaban en rituales de abundancia, funerales y bienvenidas.

Durante una ceremonia el cacao trabaja de una forma sutil nuestra conciencia, abriendo nuestros sentimientos, permitiéndonos pensar con el cerebro mas importante que tenemos "El corazón". La Ceremonia inicia desde el momento en el que la bebida se comienza a preparar, desde el momento en el que entramos en contacto con la pasta y el aroma llega a nosotros. Gracias a la teobromina estimulamos nuestro enfoque y creatividad lo que nos lleva a alcanzar una sensación de placer y bienestar ayudando a abrir procesos de sanación del espíritu para resolver problemas, para encontrar soluciones desde el amor y la comprensión de aquello que nos ha lastimado y ha creado corazas en nosotros.


Ceremonia de Cacao

El espíritu del CACAO nos permite armonizar con nuestras emociones, con nuestro propio espíritu para poder obtener lo que necesitamos sin que la mente nos ate. Soltarás aquello que no te sirva y procesarás de una manera profunda esa transformación y cambio que necesites.

Gloria Hidalgo es una bella amiga que nos llevo esta practica a la churuata, junto a otras dos amigas locales, Romi y Mariposa, organizamos una ceremonia para compartir con la familia Wottuja, compramos el cacao y nos juntamos para abrir el sentimiento de toda una tribu.


Todo comenzó mientras al aire libre intentamos prender una pequeña leña para cocinar un caldero con el cacao, cosa que tuvo que cambiar un par de veces ya que era un día lluvioso. ceremonialmente el cacao se prepara en una proporción de 40g de cacao puro por cada taza de agua para cada uno de los que tomaran. Esto comienza a tener efecto a los 30 minutos de haberlo ingerido, claro que esto varia en cada uno, algunas personas lo sienten antes y otras un poco después, según la rapidez de su metabolismo.


Por esta vez elegimos las especias, las hierbas acompañantes, un toque de picante, mientras todas preparábamos ofrendas florales que serian entregadas al día siguiente después de la Ceremonia de Temascal en el rio. Tocamos música de medicina para el corazón y cuando el cacao estuvo listo nos fuimos al rio para consentirnos dándonos un poco de amor con arcilla blanca mezclada sobre el mismo cacao que habíamos preparado (esto no es parte del ritual, pero así nos nació compartir).




Al caer el sol nos sentamos formando un circulo, Gloria nos dio una introducción a todos los presentes, iniciando con una respiración consciente, invitando a todos a conectar con su corazón a través de la bebida permitiendo activar y alinear todo el ser y así comenzó a servirnos el cacao. Lo paso por su derecha pidiéndoles a todos y cada uno que pasaran las tazas poniéndoles una intención para esa persona que la va a tomar al final.


La bebida comienza a acelerar el flujo sanguíneo en nuestro cuerpo, por lo que la irrigación de nuestro cerebro aumenta trayendo como consecuencia claridad y presencia al pensamiento. Nuestro corazón comienza a latir con mayor fuerza por lo que la música comenzó lenta, melodías suaves para sentirnos cómodos y poder escucharnos ya que en un nivel sutil el chacra corazón se expande y podemos sentirlo con mayor claridad.


A nivel emocional nos hace mas receptivos, nos ayuda a soltar, reconecta nuestro lado amoroso, la dulzura y el amor se hacen presentes para ayudarnos a relacionarnos con nosotros mismos y así con los que nos rodean.

La abuela Carmen compañera de vida del abuelo Rufino, participo junto a sus hijas y algunos otros miembros de la familia, nos dio algunas palabras ya que esta también era su primera vez tomando esta medicina y así luego nos animo a finalizar este encuentro bailando al rededor del fueguito transmutador. La energía se movió así como nuestros corazones y ya contentos y mas ligeros agradecimos a esta planta de poder por sus infinitos beneficios a nuestro cuerpo y espíritu.



Para mi se trato de una ceremonia de expansión de mis sentimientos, todo aquello reprimido, cositas que dolieron y que han llevado mas tiempo del que se suponía (según yo) que tardarían en sanar. Aproveche el instante y el fuego para ofrendarle a el algunas cartas de liberación para mi alma y para aquellas involucradas en esa herida compartida. Le ofrende con mucha fe mientras les cantaba y pude sentir como ese poder se reactivaba dentro de mi ser. No hay mas que ser comprensivos y amorosos con nosotros mismos, dar amor va mas allá del dar a otros, trasciendes este pensamiento cuando comprendes que debes comenzar contigo y así esa semilla crece y regala sus frutos a todos los que se acercan. El perdón elimina el rencor, nos da paz y solo se obtiene comprendiendo amorosamente que todo tiene un propósito que nos lleva a la sanación.


Esto ha sido todo por hoy, espero les haya gustado y motivado a probar esta maravillosa medicina ancestral. Con mucho amor me despido deseándoles que tengan una maravillosa semana. Adiwa!


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Well this is a beautiful way to give thanks. I can see the joy on your face and it looks like this was a truly magical experience you all shared together.

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Wow, @auelitairene - I mean, I have cacao and reishi for my morning drink, but this is next level. I know people here have 'cacao ceremonies' as they went to them in South America, but it always feels inauthentic because we aren't learning from the source, you know? This is a gorgeous post and The Herbal Hive will always remember that YOU, dear medicine woman, were the first one to post in this community! Thanks so much!

Yessssss I totally understand you, don't think that on this side of the world everyone knows about it, really many don't know how beautiful and kind these experiences are for our physical and spiritual body, I am very happy to offer a little bit of my experience so that all those who have the opportunity can take advantage of it. It is a gift that the being is grateful for.

Also thank you very much for this new space, I think it pleases me very much that there is a place for my medicines hehehehehe, I mean, I was already @naturalmedicine, but this becomes more specific. Beautiful!

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Heated cacao doesnt have much nutrients anymore , but thanks for the smile 🙂
I see you are well , i feel sad to not see José next to you but life happens .
Enjoy your new path 💐

It's really a shame, we were a great team and good friends, but things happen, I know he is happy now and the path he chose is taking him where he wants to go, thank God 🙏 thanks for the comment.

As long as you are both happy that is what matters ! Big Hugs and much love ♥️