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RE: The Herbal Hive Entry Challenge: Herbal Products I use for a Good Night's Sleep

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago

Fantastic, love this post. YOur images are really beautiful and your post is really thoughtful too. That's really interesting about the rosehip - I didn't know that so went researching myself. That's why I really love this community - learning all the time!

I'm a big fan of lavender oil too.

I recall my sleep being disrupted when I had my son - he's 25 now so I should be well and truly over it hahah! However I've hit menopause so my struggles are real! Sage tea is good for that as well, for night sweats!!!


Hi @riverflows, thank you for the appreciation 😊 It's weird that Clipper added it on their product that's supposed to help you sleep. Well, at least, it works on me. Anyway, learned a lot too from reading Hive posts. Right now, still considers myself a newbie in here as I wasn't very active in my first few months but discovered a lot from the platform and the people were mostly very friendly. From the comments alone, people were always generous in giving tips 😁

I guess, sleep does really get disrupted on the first few months to years after giving birth. My mom had warned me about it. We're sleeping longer now thankfully. But having a child for more than 2 decades, I guess, you had some more sleepless nights

Actually he was a super sleeper, lol!He still is... we all hate him as he can sleep through anything and for ages whilst everyone else is buzzing!

you should email clipper and ask!

Once you warm up on HIVE you'll get more confident. The post is excellent though so I'm sure you will be rocking here!

At least he can sleep easily. It's a good skill to have. For me, it's difficult to fall asleep on my own. My little one's like that too, we have to make her very tired before she gets to sleep

By the way, thank you for the encouragement 😊