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RE: Growing Herbs on my Narrowboat (Journal 1)

in The Herbal Hive2 years ago

That's so great @millycf1976!
You managed to start gardening on the boat, I always love your creativity and positive attitude!
I also managed to be on vacation away from the farm for a while, so I guess we are doing fantastic, haha! I remember we were chatting about how much you want to have a garden and me how much I miss traveling. Great synchronicity :)
Best of luck with these cuties!!!


Hello @traisto 😁
It's nice to hear that you're on vacation. A break should do you good! Hopefully, the weather is glorious.
Yes, I'm so excited and keeping a close eye on my new little loves for the first sprout.
I wish you a splendid vacation!😍

Oh, the weather is awesome! All is great, thanks!
The moment of the first sprout is magic, love it!
