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RE: Sometimes there's milk and cookies

in LEGO3 years ago

Sometimes I wished I still had my Lego sets. But when my niece started to like Lego, I gave all mine to her. She has outgrown Lego, so maybe I shall request her to give all the Lego to me again. Maybe I will. The downside of that would be: Even less time for me to spend on HIVE while I'm planning for weeks to increase my HIVE time. Ah well, who knows what will happen. I'm taking it day by day, more or less :)

In the past, when playing with Lego, I used to combine this with Playmobile and sometimes even with Fisher Technic. I always loved the playmobile puppets, being larger in size than the Lego versions.


If she's not using it then it should boomerang back to you for sure!

I am going to dismantle some of my Technic sets and send to my niece @smallsteps, my brother @tarazkp's daughter and also my nephew. Both a little young for it just yet but that's the plan.

I hope you get some of that Lego back and you can build and also do some hive posts about it. Win-win situation I think.

Cool you plan to share some of your passion with your niece and nephew. Spreading the Vibes 🙃
Yeah, lets see what will happen on Lego front for me. You have a point with the win-win! 😜
NJOY the weekend 🎶

Gotta share the fun right?

Have a good weekend yourself sir. Thanks for commenting.