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RE: Let's Build a LEGO Porsche 911

in LEGO3 years ago

And actually this is the car that killed Paul Walker from The fast and the furious he had an extremely tricked out one and led a novice driver wreck it and crash. Apparently from the autopsy Paul had regained consciousness in the car as it was on fire....

Absolutely amazing vehicle but squirrely as hell


Yeah... those older Porsche Turbos were notoriously squirrely, and that laggy turbo boost could probably throw you for a loop even without nodding it out the wazoo.

EDIT: It looks like Paul Walker had a car 30 years newer than the one this replicates. New Porsches are acclaimed for their handling. That crash is most likely on him.

The crash is on the driver that Paul allowed to even drive it because not only was it extremely souped up and had way too much horsepower for the amount of tires that it had.

Either way I would still love to own and drive one of these myself