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RE: Sometimes there's milk and cookies

in LEGO3 years ago

I'm not opposed to just fucking off somewhere and start new at any point in my life, I did it in my early 20's and it looks scarier than it is. I like Alberta quite a bit especially my mountains, I do dream of disappearing over there permanently at some point when I decide to pull the pin with work... pension age or not...the younger the better. I had ambition once upon a time, almost want to still have some but the last year and a half going all wonky and covid, I'm mentally ready....just not financially...if only. We are looking to buy a place in the next year or so but now we are confused on where we want to live. Plus I'm getting tired of hearing gunshots every night, Deadmonton has a bit of a rep and it's getting worse and I don't live on the good side lol. This place is weird.

You know what, some places are great but are never quite right. I felt like that when I lived down east and I moved around from town to town both in Quebec and New-Brunswick. Near ocean beach side , in a bay, in a Fjord, dead smack on top of a mountain in the Appalachian range and maple country. Great places with so much going for them but it was never quite right. As soon as I landed here, I was home right away. I just knew an it was right. Don't get me wrong, nothing was easy by any means sometimes you just know and I needed that to discover myself. Everybody is different, that's just my experience. A lot of people end up homesick and moving back home too.


It's the financial thing for most of us who like the escape thing. Me too. I'm all about a simple life and simplicity in life so a move to somewhere smaller would suit me. But right now I still have to work.

I live in a safe area, in fact all of Adelaide is pretty good to be honest. There's rougher areas, the low-eco-socio-demo type areas. But no gunfire.

I think you hit on it though, a lot of feeling at home is within us. I say, you're home when you close the door meaning it can be anywhere one feels comfortable and with loved ones around. It's an attitude I guess.

I'd move as there's nothing keeping me here but I'd not go to a big city.

yeah the simple life is right, the thing is I could keep my job but would have to work out of town all the time but it's only for a few weeks at a time, I'm not too cool with that concept. but depending on circumstances too.

We have a lottery here called max millions, there is a jackpot cap and when it goes over they do extra million dollar draws. Right now it's the biggest it's ever been at 70 million + 70 draw of 1 million. Even with winning the one million, I would probably call it a day since I would probably only have to work like 2 months a year not to spend into a hole and not feel restricted. There is a lot of nowhere places close to the mountains and the foothills that are still dirt cheap for property. It's really in the middle of the sticks tho.

My big problem right now is shitty government and loose tax spending that is completely absurd I'm tired of funding it. Keep this clown in charge for a decade and we will be Venezuela. Sounds like an exaggeration right now but things are fucked right now. Like real fucked, he belongs in jail kinda deal but he's running a country instead. They finally found a bunch of babies bodies and children in mass unmarked graves by the hundreds around the controversial catholic run residential schools I was telling you about, I don't know if you remember, it was a few months back. Our current leader's dad has a large part to play in funding and maintaining them but nobody has caught on to that yet, still in the initial shock and outrage for now but wait for it. This isn't some 300 year old bitter feelings either, people your age would have went there when they were children. Heads are gonna roll, things always come full circle. You might hear great things about Canada, and yes there is much worse places to live but politically and ethically it's so much different than the world seems to expect and our economy is seriously broken right now, still a powerful economy but a very broken system...cracks are starting to show.

How come there is nothing keeping you there if you don't mind me asking?

Hmm, I think if we were to investigate most governments there'd be many issues to find; They don't think long term enough. Here it's 3-4 years, feather their nests and then on to the private sector with massive pensions and perks. There's a lesson to be learned from Venezuela, but will it be learned? Probably not.

I don't buy lotto tickets but I like the sound of it...A million bucks. It's all I'd need to be honest, I'd never punch a clock for someone again. I hope you score it!

Nah, I don't mind...My family are all over the world and when my dad passed away last year and some other stuff happened this year there's no mooring lines holding me to this location. I've been thinking about some moves for a while now and whilst it's not imminent it's a thing. Life's too short, you know?

I feel a total change is due, something I've done previously to some degree which brought value and helped launch a new phase of my life. At the moment I'm looking at some moves around my job and all but medium-term it's a total relocation.

oh non no no this is far more than lack of foresight, this is pure highway robbery and other crimes but the sob is untouchable. There is too much going on to even go there in a comment or a book. lets make a long story short. 2 cities in Canada voted him in, literally nobody else in the entire country did. How does 2 cities alone, (Montreal and Toronto) control the outcome of an entire country. We are pretty sure the election was rigged. To top it off lots of companies got paid giant tax payer funded bailouts and it went strait in giant corporations that layed everyone off and paid their executive staff huge bonuses. Some of those were foreign owned long term care homes where they were so short staffed and huge covid outbreaks because of lack of care and health supplies for workers and residents. It got so bad that they had to send in the military because the elderly got abandoned with no care because all the underpaid nurses were sick with covid too because of lack of ppe.
the elderly got decimated at for profit care homes that took in emergency tax payer funds but not nearly as much as provincially funded facilities. Some died of covid and some died of dehydration/lack of care Nyways, those clowns got paid huge bonuses too. Tax payer funded charities paying his entire family and circle of friends large sums of money for ridiculous speeches but literally pay no other speakers. The finance minister is so deep in his own shit he had to resign before we tarred and feathered him. This is hardly scratching the surface, there is so much going on it's insane he's still walking around. It doesn't need to be investigated, everyone knows even the former naysayers calling us tinfoil haters and they are still trying to sweep it all under the rug and somehow get away with it, it's all so rigged we just have no recourse outside of an outright rebellion. Canada is legit about to blow up in pieces, there probably wont be one soon. Each blunder the already strong separatist movement here grows and from the sounds of it we are taking a few other territories with us. There has been a lot of talk of canceling Canada day this July recently, not for covid...over those kids. This country is in shreds right now.

Well sometimes it's just time for a new chapter in life, only you know what's best for you. I get it when nothing ties you to a location, it's easy to just go and be free. Start fresh, find new joys. Follow your instincts.

It sounds pretty muddled and none too good. It's amazing how small groups of people can get away with so much, and so often. It just keeps happening though, over and over.

Sometimes I wonder why the populace doesn't rise up but then, gun control, like in Venezuela - Unarmed population. Convenient huh?

The greed of those in power is unacceptable and yet continues unabated and seemingly more outrageous with each new term governments are in power. The opposition oppose as they are supposed to but when they get into power...Same. It fucking sucks but what choice do we have but to accept it or rise up and I don't see that happening to be honest.

I think right now, everyone is stunned and don't know what to do because it's so bad. Some us could see it but everyone is asleep at the wheel cause life is good. Once we get rid of him Canada might be ok if we're not split yet. If he comes in at the next election, I think it's it for Canada. I think those bodies they are digging up, that might make shit hit the fan. I'm pretty sure he's a pedo actually, it almost came out but boy wonder made that disappear as it began to bubble to the surface. That's the part I don't like about him, i didn't even start hating his incompetency yet. We have a lot of gun control and it got tighter even, they banned any assault riffle looking or sounding thing. And one of them was even a can of coffee and a few pellet guns and some other toy even. ( they made a list of banned guns updated, not all of them were even guns but food, the public pointed it out but just goes to show, they really are not smart.

The whole system is broken, it's worse than you think. Those who run the world have a lot of skeletons in their closets but some are starting to fall out all ready, people are just not noticing or dismiss it as it can't be true and the behaviors continues but the evidence has been right in everyone's face, they don't even hide it. Doesn't matter who you vote for, they are puppets paid by the same circle no matter ho gets elected, why it never changes. Today's democracy is nothing more than an illusion.

Back to those kids and the schools, there is thousands of indigenous children that got murdered in those schools, it's not a small story and still unfolding. so far over 500 bodies have been found in the last week (there is a lot more, that was just 3 schools). government and church murdered 1000's of kids and everyone is cool with that? Our leader's family is responsible for a big part in this. I don't know what is wrong with the population. I really don't. right now people are ripping off statues, fuck the statues these people are dead, arrest the ones still alive, why is it still swept under the rug, the bodies are being dug up, it's not a conspiracy anymore it's fact! It shouldn't be getting dismissed anymore.

It's all very disturbing Marielle but par for the course, all you say, including the pedo suspicions quite probably.

Those kids they're digging up...Funny no one is hearing it on the news around the world right? It's all a big conspiracy and with the government running the media/corporations and equally the other way around as well is it any wonder people are blind to it. Most people are so willingly brainwashed though that they would probably not believe it if they saw it with their own eyes.

It's the world though and like I said earlier, unless people rise up it won't change. People are no more than pawns, slaves...It's like that movie the matrix we're plugged in, controlled and harvested for whatever it is can be taken from us. Makes me happy in a way I have no kids to give the planet to, you know?