in APPICS4 years ago (edited)

A Statue of a Fish Incarnation.


Galaxy M20
A Statue of a Fish Incarnation

This is a statue of a fish incarnation. Some of my friends and I went for a walk in a park. While taking various pictures there, I saw a picture of this amazing statue in my eyes and I captured the statue with my phone camera.

There are different types of interesting content that attract the mind and vision. Every year thousands of tourists from abroad come here to enjoy these beautiful views.

The staff at the park do some new activities every year, so that they can give some new gifts to the tourists every year. It arouses in their minds the feeling of interest to come every year.

It would be wrong to say just years here, because countless people travel here every day. Every day people come here with the feeling of seeing some amazing beauty and they enjoy it from morning to evening.

Older people also sit on benches in front of the lake and enjoy the afternoon view. Here the statue of this fish incarnation is a marvel. Where technical artists set an example. Through this statue they have formed a beautiful image.

The statue of this fish incarnation has blossomed like a reality. Technical artists have had to work hard to complete this sculpture. After months of hard work, I have been able to create a wonderful image of this statue.

This statue is made of a stone, carved on a stone body. Once created, the statue is again placed on top of some rocks.

Many things were needed to make this statue, shells were placed around the statue, shells were given, crowns were placed on the head, etc. Finally, by painting the statue, its beauty is revealed in front of everyone.