Sunset by the sea - monomad - eng/esp

Second time I meet Sheyla on one of our safaris. Like every May, we have to meet the entire group of photographers and models on a Saturday afternoon in the Central Park of Old Havana, and from there we go down Avenida Prado to end up in La Punta, where we always coincide with the beautiful Caribbean sun just as it says goodbye. This time I took some photos of this beautiful and slender model lying on the wall of the boardwalk while the sun was setting, trying to find some points between the sun and her silhouette. The external flash helped me fight backlight.

Segunda vez que coincido con Sheyla en un safari de los nuestros. Como cada mes de mayo, nos toca encontrarnos una tarde de sábado a todo el grupo de fotógrafos y modelos en el Parque Central de la Habana Vieja, y de ahí bajamos por la Avenida Prado para terminar en La Punta, donde siempre coincidimos con el hermoso sol caribeño justo cuando se despide. Esta vez hice algunas fotos de esta bella y esbelta modelo acostada en el muro del malecón mientras el sol se iba ocultando, tratando de encontrar algunos puntos entre el astro rey y la silueta de ella. El flash externo me ayudó a luchar a contraluz.

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Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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 28 days ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thank you very much! Happy to know! ☺️☺️☺️🖤🤍

Excelentes fotos, apurastes la mano para editarlas 🤣!!!!