Helpppppp... The aliens are cominggg!

in Black And White4 years ago

Actually, these 'aliens' are already here! 😳

That's right, they've infiltrated earth's gardens, and I spotted some of them right here in my apartment's garden!!


Well, as usual, I'm making a mountain out of a molehill... 🤭

This is a bush I came across... they are everywhere, but I hadn't noticed this part of the plant before

I can't decide if it is the pods after the flower fades and dries off...
Or, it is part of the bud before the flower comes...

I looked, but couldn't find any in-between stage to prove which part of the process this alien-looking bit belongs to!


Looks like its fingers or claws are out-stretched,
trying to hook onto you....


They are actually quite tiny, and despite looking like thorns
they are just hairs!
Hairy pods and hairy stems...
Very very hairy...


Even its leaves are covered with these tiny hairs!


A bud and a flower
It is white and tiny
Only about one cm across!
Looks more normal now
More earth-like too!
Not too sure about this next one though...


Right next door, growing side-by-side...
Was this other plant which looked as if it was infested!
More likely some insect laid its eggs all over the broad leaves
There are aliens everywhere!

This warrants further investigation...
I shall risk my life and go where no Man has ventured before...
Just for you...
Stay tuned!

Captured with SONY Xperia M5 | ©images & text my own | click image for full screen view
Posting this for #monomad by #monochromes ~ original ideas by @brumest

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like Star Trek ; )

Hehehehe... you caught that! :D

Lovely details and B&W suits that purpose perfectly! 📷 👍

Thank you! Glad you like them

We have got enough aliens and virus on this planet already kill them before they accumulate more 😂 😂

Lol.... yesssss master.... I shall do the needful.... 😁

Many thanks, @cuddlekitten.... meeowwww... 😽