Not that Dead - Macro | Black and White photography

in Black And White2 years ago

Hi everyone :)
Here´s the "daily" entry to #monomad

Yes, i put the daily in quotes because it hasn't been as daily as i was expecting and i ended up failing 1 day there, it's really not easy believe me :(
Today i share a few more records combined between macro and monochrome, giving a very lively subject that abstract scenario, with that blurred background characteristic of the technique used.
When there is not a very detailed description about the composition, having been entirely natural, i can only share them and hope you like the result as much as i do :)
Let's see how it turned out




Next you can see the technique used to take these macros through a short visual tutorial:


Among the various possible techniques to shoot macros, this is perhaps the most affordable and effective technique for those who have a camera with removable lens.
We can simply remove the lens and reverse the direction, and by using an inverter ring it ends up being more comfortable and facilitates the process.

Thanks for following me and support my work!


See you soon
Thank you for watching


Wow!... Nice shots, nice!... And, also a good tip about inverter ring use!... Great!