Monomad - Hyllus (spider)

in Black And White5 months ago

This is my entry for the daily #monomad challenge

This morning, at around 10.30 am, when I wanted to attend the grand opening of a friend's coffee shop, I was surprised by an attractive yellow jumping spider. This spider is standing on the leaves of a flower plant in the yard in front of my house. Then I rushed into the home to get my favorite macro lens and then picked a flower so the spiders would climb onto the flower.My plan was successful and the spider wanted to climb onto the flower I offered. And after that I take a photos of the spider even though I couldn't get many pictures because the spider chose to leave without saying goodbye to me. :)

The spiders I mean are part of the spider genus Hyllus, namely a genus of the spider family Salticidae (jumping spiders). And I have uploaded some photos of these spiders below, here are some photos:







CameraSmartphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography
LocationTanah Luas, Indonesia

what a lucky day for you today, you found one Spider that looks so tiny, beautiful shot so got some super awesome shots

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