Crowds in The Capture

in Black And White28 days ago

As someone who has an introverted nature, I rarely even leave the house if there is no need. There are some things I can do for a living, like ordering things online to eat or to wear. The ease of transactions nowadays really makes me someone who can survive at home for a very long time. Once I counted the record of not leaving the house in 2 weeks.

But it's not very good if we keep doing it, we need time to travel and gather energy to look around, see the crowds in a fairly large space. For an introvert, it's actually not that we don't want to socialize, in fact I always call my friends and family almost every day, but we run out of energy to meet or meet other people face to face.

One time, my husband took me out for dinner and it took quite a long time because the rain came after we reached the place. This is a portrait of how busy street food is in our area. It's next to the house, no, it's only 50 meters from the gate of my house. The place is very busy, in fact you will never see an empty seat there. Indeed, this place is very famous throughout this city.

I dedicate various portraits in 'Kilat Kuphi' in black and white in this #monomad challenge. I hope you like it and can comment to make me better at taking good pictures.









Take by Iphone 13 Pro
Edited by Lightroom App

See you the next time hive friends!

Editing by Lightroom and VN iphone 11

About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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Really nice pictures, I can fell they reflect how the people decide a place to expend a good time, a good meal with good company, a place to share their experiences and have fun.

Thankyou dear, i always capturing the moment. I'm always learning and improving how to take the best photos.