The Sunlight

in Black And White23 days ago

Try a camera test with a shadow from the sun. At that time I was in a cafe which made me quite comfortable. I sat while trying out my cellphone camera which I had bought 2 years ago. Tested the camera and it turned out to be still very good in terms of taking pictures, focus and blur. For some reason, I'm not interested in other cellphone cameras, even though I'm very enthusiastic about the latest cellphone camera specs.

I guess, I tried taking some pictures during the day, to be precise at 02.00 pm. It was so hot that I didn't even dare to leave the cafe because it was so hot. Because of that, I ended up enjoying 2 glasses of coffee while waiting for the right time to take shelter and return home. Recently the weather has been extraordinary and the air outside can make your head dizzy. The summer is too hot this year.

In this #monomad challenge, to create something interesting, I tried to master a new technique for photographing inanimate objects and it was quite interesting. I get good light and shadows that can make this object look beautiful. It seems like technique is something that must be mastered first, without having to have a qualified provider. Engineering is more expensive than buying a new camera, as well as good editing skills.








Location: la vien rose cafe, Penang.

See you the next time hive friends!

Editing by Lightroom and VN iphone 11

About Author

Annyeong yorobun! Welcome to wita’s corner. Author is a full time housewife who loves to eat while writing. Enthusiasm to gardening and cooking. Like the exploration of new things and have many dream is unlimited. Always vote and give suggestions to advance this author.

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Lovely play with light and shadows, the first one is my favorite!