The Flowers are Still Beautiful even in Monomad |


Flowers are beautiful for their shape, aroma, and color. So, the beauty of these flowers can be felt with the sense of smell, sight, and taste for people with disabilities.

Imagine if all the senses were not functioning, then we could not enjoy the beauty of a flower.

In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic that has hit the entire world, many residents have developed a hobby of planting and caring for various types of flowers. In my house, there were many flowers long before the corona pandemic.



Photographing flowers in black and white frames has its own challenges because a photographer has to maintain their beauty even when they have lost color.

When photographing flowers at home with the iPhone 7 Plus camera, I see a unique angle so that their beauty is preserved. Even in #monomad form, the texture of the flowers should be clearly visible.

Here are some very portrait flowers in black and white. Hopefully, the beauty is maintained. []



Bunga-bunga tetap indah meski dalam monomad

Bunga-bunga indah karena bentuk, aroma, dan warnanya. Jadi, keindahan bunga-bunga tersebut bisa dirasakan dengan indera penciuman, indera penglihatan, dan indera perasa bagi disabilitas.

Bayangkan kalau semua indera itu tidak berfungsi, maka kita tidak bisa menikmati keindahan dari sekuntum bunga.

Di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yang melanda seluruh dunia, banyak warga mengembangkan hobi menanam dan merawat berbagai jenis bunga. Di rumah saya, bunga sudah banyak jauh sebelum pandemi korona.




Memotret bunga dalam bingkai hitam dan putih memiliki tantangan tersendiri karena seorang fotografer harus tetap menjaga keindahannya meski sudah kehilangan warna.

Ketika memotret bunga di rumah dengan kamera IPhone 7 Plus, saya melihat sudut yang unik agar keindahannya tetap terjaga. Meski dalam bentuk #monomad, tekstur bunga harus terlihat dengan jelas.

Inilah beberapa bunga yang sangat potret dalam hitam dan putih. Semoga keindahannya tetap terjaga.[]


