My Entry to #monomad challenge: Hometown's People

Hometown's People

img_0.6253031888100613.jpg This guy is always doing something with the fish: catching, selling, feeding stray cats... I remember how my plan was to go around my hometown & shoot random people & to capture this moment was maybe the best achievement of my plan... Now it seems like he's looking at the logo of my photo-craft. That's kinda funny but nice!

img_0.2462178918369515.jpg This guy I totally don't know but I remember I was sitting there in the Tik-Tak bar, drinking coffee & shooting the passengers. I like the blurry background & the movement of the cars here.

img_0.25052301236952856.jpg These people I also don't know but the photo is good cause of in-depth sharpness/blurriness & street ambiance.

img_0.6518705619033834.jpg I forgot her name but this lady is a local artist.

img_0.30632804910760236.jpg I also forgot this mister's name but I'm sure I know him. Here I love his styling & how he pops out from the dark background.

img_0.4864739940580107.jpg Here I was in the other old fashion "legendary local bar, also probably drinking coffee & this girl I'm so familiar with but I just can't remember the name either. This coffee & cigarette moment is kind of epic with the contrast on her face, like some incognito superwoman. Also the background is really nice.

These street portrait photos I also shot in my hometown - Opatija, Croatia & also on the same Ilford FP4 PLUS 125 which I have already mentioned in my last 2 blog posts:


I still have some great shots unpublished yet from the same negative & 'll be posting more for sure in the next days!

This is my entry to #monomad challenge... Thanks @monochromes for keeping up this great photo challenge!

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Feel free to contact me via Telegram or Signal - my number is +385 (0) 92 372 0382.

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