
in Black And White2 years ago

Once upon a time, in a fireproof forest of cars and condos and houses and homeless, there lived a beautiful princess named Junior.


Actually, she still lives there. Here. On my block.


Actually... ok. Let's be straight. I live on her block.


I'm one of her subjects.


More like a tenant, really.


She's a good Princess Landlady, for the most part.

Pretty hands-off.
Just a stickler about receiving rent in a timely manner.
I pretty much have to pay daily.
She doesn't accept cash, though. Or cards. No venmo, paypal, or autopay from my checking account.
I've never bothered to ask if she accepts hive. She probably wouldn't unless there was a little honey on it.

When it comes to payment, Junior only accepts food.


The rent has at least tripled in the last year.

I don't know what would happen if I stopped paying.
I tend to assume the worst, so I try not to think about it.

I've long stopped counting kibbles and pinching peanuts.

It's ok.
So I'm a little crow-poor.
So what.
It's not like it's forever...

Oh, wait.
Yeah it is.

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge, held daily in the Black and White Community.
Give it a try.

Crows Featured: All Junior, except the last one.
That's Lorena and please don't tell her about this picture.
She doesn't know I took it.

instagram: @se_pdx_crows
Art in NFT Showroom
a percentage of this post's rewards goes back to support the community
All the stuff (pictures, words, etc.) I put in this post and any of my other posts is mine (unless otherwise stated) and can't be used by anyone else unless I say it's ok AND it's within the confines of my contract with Junior Funnyface.


I don't know what would happen if I stopped paying

The Birds

I still haven't seen that movie.

Ha ha, I love Junior

Thanks! Yeah, she's pretty awesome.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

thank you @brumest and @qurator team!!