Oh, uh, hello....dolly

in Black And White3 years ago

"This isn't disturbing at all," I mutter to myself as I approach the dirty babydoll that lies awkwardly on the sidewalk.
"Not. At. All," I reiterate.
I pull out my camera.

"How did you get here, dolly?" I ask her.
She doesn't answer.
"Are you the victim of a cruel older sibling, tossed out of the car window in a fit of jealous revenge?"
She is silent.
DSC_2223 1.JPG
"Somewhere in the city a child is crying because you are gone. But you are right here, dolly. You are right here. You are with me, dolly. Shhhhh. Shhhhh."

I hope you found my entry into the daily #monomad challenge disturbing.
If you like creepy artsy stuff with dollies, join my friend's facebook group Life and Death: The Dame of the Dead.
If you like black and white photography, join Black and White and enter the daily monomad challenge.
If you like my work, follow me.

A portion of rewards for this post go back to support the community.


Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Yay, thanks team!!!

Dolls are creepy...

haha yes, sooooo creepy. When I was a kid my friends and I had this weird "haunted" doll head that we would sneakily and strategically place around the house to scare each other.

Hahaha that's so evil! :D
And fun!