Misty Mountain Crop

in Black And White2 years ago


First thing that came to mind when I edited this photo was “Misty Mountain Hop” a Led Zeppelin song. So remove the Hop, and replace it with a Crop! Now here is Wintertime Emerald Lake, compare that with yesterday’s Summertime Lake photos. Can’t be any more different. Which is your favourite photo?









Loving that second photo, probably because I am a sucker for a good reflection shot. Summer vs winter is quite different indeed. Right now I have had enough of winter and am ready for summertime. BUT.. You can't beat these winter shots! Snow makes everything that much 'funner' to shoot. 😁

Looking forward to Summertime, without a doubt. I love the reflection photos as well.

Great set, its so rare that I get outside of a city during the winter. Glad that you do, nice to see the country side covered in snow.

You ought to get out more lol.

Haha so true, feel trapped in the city lately hoping this year that will change!

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