
in Black And White2 years ago

Photography and movement.
Longer exposure of 1/5 sec. I wish I could have taken photos from different angles. However, this was a competition, so I didn't want to disturb young ballerinas by moving. :)





Camera: Canon EOS 60D
Lens: EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS

Some people use words, others use light to say what they feel.

Photos by @desro - ©RominaM*

 2 years ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad third place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thank you, @monochromes. It is my pleasure to be part of the B&W Community.

like a shadow. that's good mate.

Really nice shots!

Some shots looks like a paint.

Thanks for share and have a great weekend.

Thank you, @neuerko. I wish you all the best!

this is cool. most of long exposure shots nowadays are more on neon and light play, but seeing a shot like this and portrayed in black and white gives off a lot of classic vibes. feeling it back in the film age

Thank you @renrenrainrain. As soon as I saw the photos on the monitor, I imagined them drawn with a pencil. A bit of noise only helped to bring out the effect.

Thank you @mnurhiver. Have a nice day too!