Emotional | Street Photography | Monomad Challenge [ENG/ESP]

"The couple at the bus stop" | "La pareja en la parada del bus".

I have gone out to the streets to try to capture emotional moments in people, through which I intend to give another vision to street photography, a vision that has been having significant changes in me in what I currently consider as approaching this photographic genre.

"The couple at the bus stop", is how I could call this first photo I took in the neighborhood of Palermo in Buenos Aires. While they wait for the bus sitting on a bench, one of them expresses a sign of affection and at the same time they look to one side of the avenue. The compositions don't have to be clean, I think the graffiti on the glass looks great, apart from the light and shadows, of course.


He salido a las calles a intentar capturar momentos emotivos en las personas, mediante lo cual pretendo darle otra visión a la fotografías de calle, visión que ha venido teniendo significativos cambios en mí en lo que actualmente considero como abordar este género fotográfico.

"La pareja en la parada del bus", es como podría denominar ésta primera foto que tomé en el barrio de Palermo en Buenos Aires. Mientras éstas esperan el transporte sentados en un banco uno de ello expresa una muestra de afecto y al mismo tiempo miran hacia un lado de la avenida. Las composiciones no tienen que ser limpias, creo que los grafitis sobre el vidrio quedan muy bien, aparte de la luz y las sombras, por supuesto.

"The hug." | "El abrazo".

How about a show of affection like a hug? This is the kind of image I like to capture and it's much closer to what I'm looking for on the streets. Something very gratifying happened to me with this couple, who are in two of this set, because you could notice a high level of connection and conformity between them, affection and why not, even love.

From a distance of approximately 200 meters I could see them from the viewfinder of my camera and they did not stop giving affection, laughing and hugging each other, they were happy and at one point they started to dance at the same time. I should have captured that but from a distance I enjoyed seeing them like that and without them knowing I was happy to see them happy... (Experiences of a street photographer 😅)


¿Que tal una muestra de afecto como un abrazo? Éste es el tipo de imágenes que me gusta capturar y que se acerca mucho más a lo que estoy buscando obtener en las calles. Me sucedió algo muy gratificante con esta pareja, la cual están en dos de este set, pues se podía notar un alto nivel de conexión y conformidad entre ellos, cariño y por qué no, incluso amor.

Desde una distancia aproximada de 200 metros los veía desde el visor de mi cámara y no dejaban de darse afecto, reírse y abrazarse, se les notaba felices y en cierto momento empezaron a bailar al mismo tiempo. Debí haber capturado eso pero desde lo lejos disfrute de verlos así y sin ellos saber estaba feliz de verlos felices... (Experiencias de un fotógrafo de calle 😅)

"Moments of thoughts." | "Instantes de pensamientos".

A boy looked worried, I don't remember if he had a speaker or a backpack but his face generated a feeling of burden, maybe tiredness... sadness? I don't know. He was walking around the park for a few minutes until he decided to sit down and subsequently his gaze went to nothingness itself. I could see him looking without looking for several seconds, like when you are and you are not? It happens to me a lot.

Leaning my camera on one of the benches I was able to make this capture, although I had some problems with the focus, the scene was as I wanted and for me it was more important what it could mean, so that's why it's here.


Un chico se notaba preocupado, no recuerdo si tenía un parlante o una mochila pero su rostro generaba la sensación de agobio, quizás cansancio... tristeza? No lo sé. Estuvo caminando alrededor del parque por unos minutos hasta que decidió sentarse y posteriormente su mirada se dirigió a la nada misma. Pude verlo mirar sin mirar por varios segundos, como cuando estás y no estás... Me pasa muy seguido.

Apoyando mi cámara sobre uno de los bancos pude hacer esta captura, a pesar de que tuve ciertos inconvenientes con el enfoque, la escena quedó como quería y para mí era más importante lo que pueda significar, así que por ello está acá.

"Love and protection." | "Amor y protección."

I have never captured an image as emotional as this one and I am becoming a fan of this, I don't know but it fills my soul to be able to immortalize moments like this, it is beautiful! I'm not sure if it was her mother but what I am sure of is that her way of expressing love and protection was special at that moment, while the girl remains seated on her legs they take a short break to continue with their walk.

The composition is super interesting because of the clothes they both have and the natural environment, it looks like a photo from many years ago and that fascinates me 🖤


Jamás había capturado una imagen tan emotiva cómo esta y me estoy volviendo fanático de esto, no lo sé pero me llena el alma poder inmortalizar momentos como éste, es hermoso! No estoy seguro de si era su madre pero de lo que sí estoy seguro es que su manera de expresarle amor y protección era especial en ese momento, mientras la niña permanece sentada sobre sus piernas toman un breve descanso para continuar con su paseo.

La composición es súper interesante por la vestimenta que ambas tienen y el entorno natural, parece una foto de hace muchos años y eso me fascina 🖤

DSC_0822 (1).jpg
"The hugging couple." | "La pareja del abrazo."

Do you remember the photo I titled "The embrace"? Well, it's them... this time walking facing each other holding hands and in the background the Pita and Pedernera promenade, at this moment they had finished their spontaneous and special dance 😁 but that hug that we observed in the previous photo had not happened.


Recuerdan la foto que titulé "El abrazo"? Bueno, son ellos... ésta vez caminando de frente tomados de la mano y de fondo el paseo Pita y Pedernera, en este momento había terminado su espontáneo y especial baile 😁 pero no había sucedido ese abrazo que observamos en la foto anterior.


This is the first time I decide to title each of my photos and talk strictly about each one of them, it seemed relevant for this set of photos that I consider somewhat emotional and that can express different meanings depending on the point of view of each observer.

To finish I leave you a bonus photo, which I didn't decide to add a title like the previous ones, but you can do it if you wish 🙂

I hope you liked these photos @erikah 😊

That's all folks! Thanks so much for stopping by and appreciating.


Es la primera vez que decido titular cada una de mis fotos y hablar estrictamente sobre cada una de ellas, me pareció relevante para este set de fotos que considero un tanto emotivas y que pueden expresar diferentes significados según el punto de vista de cada observador.

Para finalizar les dejo una foto bonus, la cual no decidí añadirle un título como las anteriores, pero pueden hacerlo ustedes si así lo desean 🙂

Espero que te hayan gustado éstas fotos @erikah 😊

Eso es todo, amigos! Muchas gracias por pasar y apreciar.


All the photos and texts in this post are my authorship.
(Todas las fotos y textos presentes en éste post son de mi autoría.)



Camera: Nikon D3400 | Lens: AF-P NIKKOR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6E ED VR
Cámara: Nikon D3400 | Lente: AF-P NIKKOR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6E ED VR


I love what you did. The moments you've managed to capture are amazing. I also love how you explained what you have captured. This post is unique in my eyes and the very first one for me. I live how you picked a theme and went photo hunting.

Till now, I've been explaining what I see on similar photos taken by others, but in this case, you were the one spotting the moment, capturing the scene and then explaining to us what you saw and why did you take the photos. This is extremely valuable for me and you did an excellent job Dimas! 😍❤️

We should do this more often, make a habit out of it. What do you think? 😉

Hugs to you and your model as you both deserve it 😘🤗

I had the idea that you might like these photos and I think that because of the post where you mentioned me I decided to title my photos :) See? It was inspiration 🧡

Yes, I will try to make it a habit when it comes to street photography like these, I hope I have the ability to do more 🙈

Hugs to you my dear friend 🤗 thanks a lot 🥰🥰🥰