Pool and Buildings | Monomad Challenge [ENG/ESP]


Hi guys! I hope you are doing great, every Saturday is my son's swimming lessons and today I am here, while he enjoys and learns I am waiting for him and while waiting I am taking some pictures to share with you. The light reflecting in the pool really made me want to take some pictures thinking about how they would look in black and white. I decided to walk around the place and through the windows I took some more pictures of the buildings in the neighborhood.

This is an area that is characterized by old architecture, so among these buildings you can notice that there are not many modern buildings, but on the contrary, they are architecture of more than a century, you can see one of the domes ... in fact 2 domes and some other details of classical architecture, reliefs and part of the urbanism from a fifth floor.

Today is a very sunny day here, I hope to take advantage of it in terms of photography and city tours. I hope you are having a good time wherever you are. I send you a big hug 🙂


Hola chicos! Espero que estén muy bien, todos los sábados son las clases de natación de mi hijo y hoy estoy acá, mientras él disfruta y aprende yo lo espero y mientras espero tomo algunas fotos para compartirlas con ustedes. La luz que se refleja en la piscina realmente me llevo a querer tomar fotos pensando en como se verían en blanco y negro. Decidí dar unas vueltas alrededor del lugar y a través de las ventanas tomé otras fotos de los edificios del barrio.

Ésta es una zona que se caracteriza por albergar arquitectura antigua, por ello entre estos edificios se puede notar que no hay muchos edificios modernos, sino todo lo contrario, son arquitectura de más de un siglo, se puede apreciar una de las cupulas... de hecho 2 cupulas y algunos otros detalles de la arquitectura clásica, relieves y parte del urbanismo desde un quinto piso.

Hoy es un día muy soleado acá, espero poder aprovecharlo en términos de fotografía y recorridos por la ciudad. Espero que donde ustedes se encuentren la estén pasando bien. Les mando un fuerte abrazo 🙂










All the photos and texts in this post are my authorship.
(Todas las fotos y textos presentes en éste post son de mi autoría.)




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Man que buenas fotos! Me encanta como queda la luz en tus fotos en blanco y negro. Fan!

Holaaa muchas gracias @oripenalver por tus amables palabras, me alegra que te hayan gustado 🥰

I've never photographed the water in a pool, but it looks amazing. I can see why you wanted to take these photos. The architecture is beautiful too. Have a nice weekend my friend and 😘🤗 to you model 😂

I don't think I've ever photographed water in a pool before.ñ 😅 It's good that you liked those as well as the architecture ones. I had a hectic weekend but it was good, it was presidential elections here in Argentina. I hope you had a great weekend, dear. Kisses for you from me and from my model too 😘😂