Goodbye grass? || Monomad

in Black And White24 days ago

Hello friends of black and white, and also of gardening, how difficult is it to mow the lawn? It seems very easy but it is not, and I say this from my own experience, without a mower it is not easy, with a machete and with a half rebellious weed you have to sweat. Well here, maybe in a cold country it is not so easy, but here, with this often unbearable humid tropical heat, you have to sweat a lot. It's not that I've been sweating a lot of times, no.

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Well, it turns out that at my mother-in-law's house, in the country, there is a garden of about 100 square meters, a lot of grass to cut and that is always a concern, in addition to the many others in these parts. We found on a buying and selling site on the internet a mower on sale. A manual machine manufactured in the 50's, can you imagine? For its age it was in pretty bad shape but it seemed to cut the weed, plus it was almost a bargain. This is the solution! I told my wife. We bought it and took it to my mother-in-law. It didn't cut at all. The blade in charge of this task was very old and dull, and it had welded itself to the iron support due to the passage of time and rust. I tried to sharpen it but it didn't help much.

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After this, with several passes I managed to mow the lawn a little, that's something, you can't ask for more, it has done too much! With the images of this long-lived mower I want to make my entry to the daily challenge #monomad. See you soon.

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Español - Click aquí

Hola amigos del blanco y negro, y también de la jardinería. ¿Cuan difícil es podar el césped? Parece muy fácil pero no lo es, y lo digo por experiencia propia, sin podadora no es fácil, a puro machete y con una yerba medio rebelde hay que sudar. Bueno aquí, quizás en un país frío no sea tan así, pero aquí, con este calor tropical húmedo muchas veces insoportable, hay que sudar la gota gorda. Tampoco es que haya chapeado muchas veces, no. Bueno resulta que en casa de mi suegra, en el campo, hay un jardín de aproximadamente 100 metros cuadrados, mucha yerba para cortar y eso es siempre una preocupación, además de las muchas otras por estos lares. Nos encontramos en un sitio de compra-venta en internet una podadora de uso en oferta. Una máquina manual fabricada en la década del 50, ¿se imaginan? Para su edad estaba bastante poco maltratada pero parecía cortar la yerba, además que estaba casi regalada. ¡Ésta es la solución! le dije a mi esposa. La compramos y se la llevamos a mi suegra. Aquello no cortaba de ninguna manera. La cuchilla encargada de esta tarea estaba muy vieja y sin filo, y además se había soldado sola al soporte de hierro por el paso de los años y el óxido. Traté de afilarla pero no sirvió de mucho la verdad. Después de esto con varias pasadas lograba podar un poco el césped, algo es algo. ¡No se le puede pedir más, ha hecho demasiado! Con las imágenes de esta longeva podadora quiero hacer mi entrada al reto diario #monomad. Nos vemos.

Both the text and the images are of my authorship. Text translated by DeepL, my native language is Spanish. Nikon D5100 camera.


Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks @brumest and @qurator for your support!👍

That machine, well sharpened, it's very good. Nice photos! 🤗

Yes, and it has a very well designed acceleration system. Too bad it melted the blade to the holder. You almost have to break it to remove the blade and sharpen it, but I'm sure it will have a solution. 😊

Sure there will be. It looks good and has lasted many years.

Seguro que YES!