Hi buddy

in Black And White3 years ago

I have been taking care of my orchids today. They have been terribly neglected by me and it is time they got some TLC. Some of them are waking up from their winter rest (just like my cacti), some grow flowers spikes and others just do the same thing they do all year round. But all of then got a bit dehydrated. I generally water them less in winter when it is cold. But forgetting about them for a few weeks is a bit too long ;). They got some fertilizer, I washed all their leaves, removed the dry ones and they look so much better already.

This is one of my Dendrobium orchids buds I shot last spring. One that I almost lost right after I got it. Few years later she it doing better than ever! I even managed to give away 3 or 4 young plants as it was growing offshots like crazy and I don't need so many of them.

Dendrobium Nobile komet King buds bw 4.jpg

I noticed some tiny flower buds forming on some of the older canes (not the ones you see on the photos). It never blooms for me abundantly, but the blooms are so big and have such bold dark pink colour, that few is enough :)

Dendrobium Nobile Comet King.

Dendrobium Nobile komet King buds bw 1.jpg

Dendrobium Nobile komet King buds bw 2.jpg

Dendrobium Nobile komet King buds bw 3.jpg

Dendrobium Nobile komet King buds bw 5.jpg

Dendrobium Nobile komet King buds bw 6.jpg

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.


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Amazing work my friend, also, brilliant photos!

Thanks a lot Darren :)

Great photos! I like orchids. But unfortunately I'm not very good at growing orchids. :( My orchids are in bad condition now.

I am sure they can be saved and will be happy. Maybe they need some change in care?

Maybe? I entrusted all my dead flowers to my father. I hope my dad takes good care of my flowers.

Fingers crossed then :)
Orchids are not hard to grow after you figure out what they want. Then they are almost impossible to kill.


Thanks :D