Honorable woman weaver _ monomad daily chalenge

Recently, I had the opportunity to photograph a woman named Mary. Mary is a talented macrame artist, and she wanted to have some photos taken of her with her work.
I knew that black and white would be the perfect medium for this shoot. The intricate patterns of Mary's macrame work would be beautifully highlighted in black and white.
We start with a portrait photo. Marie is a middle-aged lady, but very attractive, thoughtful and artistic. Makrome Bafi really requires patience and a special skill in which she is a professional. You will touch her beautiful art in the following.
She also took a picture next to my desk where there are big windows behind her and enough light is coming in and we can see that interesting lighting mode in it, which is fully illuminated.

Finally, we arrived at Narzabai Mari, it is very beautiful. It was decided to put it on the wall and Marie would stand next to it and like a master, a mother, a creator, stand next to what she made and take a formal pose and photograph them in black and white forever. Eternal there
There are many things that I love about black and white photography. One of the things I love most is the way it can simplify a scene. When you remove color, you are left with the essential elements of a photograph: light, shadow, and form. This can create a sense of clarity and focus that is often lost in color photography.
In the following, behind the scenes of your work, you will see me photographing Mary. I did the lighting in such a way that I didn't want sharp shadows to be created, I wanted to create soft shadows, so I used a 100 x 70 softbox and placed it at an angle of 45 degrees to my model. And the result of what you observed

Backstage :



Photography By @farideh.shahedi
Camera 📷 sony a7 r111 lens 24-70 f 2.8 sigmaArt