A Look at Cats' Behavior

in Black And White10 months ago

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It's no exaggeration if cats as pets are categorized as the best models in the world of photography. Acting spontaneously in various plays has become a habit for these pets. Today, a cat who is definitely not my pet proved it and also got my adrenaline pumping after a long time of not moving for some reason.

Alright, let's take a look at some shots of a tomcat lazing on the steps of this stilt house. Here's the action:

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Initially, this photo shoot took place in a relaxed atmosphere. However, a moment later, the cat noticed my movement. I spontaneously glanced at his sharp eyes looking at me while opening his mouth very wide, a sign he yawned after lazing around. (I think this cat has been lazing around here for a long time).

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Wow! Even though they appear to be a touch frightening, his canines appear to be very clean. Yeah! I jokingly remarked, This cat seems to be quite conscious of his dental health.

Without thinking twice, this cat continued its long rest period by lazing around on one of the steps in a house on stilts. I hope you are entertained, even though this shoot is far from perfect in the world of photography.

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This pictures taken with Canon EOS 6D camera + 70-300 Lens, and I submitted it for the daily #monomad challenge hosted by @monochromes.

Thank you by @ichsannanda (nandaalbintang).


The cat knows that you are photographing him and that's why he does his best poses. Greetings and good captures !

Thank you very much for your kind words and for visiting my blog. Greetings again my dear friend @wilfredocav!

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you @brumest for the curation and support from the @qurator team, which encouraged me to work even better.

 10 months ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thank you very much for this honorable place 🤝