Hello monochromatic #Hive friends. I continue here, as you can see, in my stubborn wandering as a "glimpse of spaces". I come and go in these streets, which are one thing on the way there and another on the way back... So that's what it is, dozens of photographs following one after the other, like an endless parade that only I seem to notice in my town.
Hola amigos monocromáticos de #Hive. Continúo aquí como pueden ver, en mi empecinado deambular como "atisbador de espacios". Voy y vengo en estas calles, las cuales de ida son una cosa y de regreso son otra... Entonces es eso, docenas de fotografías sucediendo una tras otra, como un desfile interminable del cual solo yo parezco percatarme en mi pueblo.
"New kid on the block"/"Un chico nuevo en la cuadra"
Somewhere down the street a young, lustrous cat looks up from the ground straight into my eyes. I know he's new here, I'm crazy enough to learn all the cats in my neighbourhood by memory and I can assure you that I've never seen this one before. So, this is perhaps his first encounter with "The crazy man with the camera in the hand", maybe because of that he looks at me with some astonishment in his eyes. But in time I will cease to interest on me, like many of the other cats here, who barely look at me to say hello and see if I'm carrying kibble.
En alguna calle un gato joven y lustroso me mira desde el suelo directamente a mis ojos. Sé que es nuevo aquí, estoy lo suficientemente loco como para aprenderme de memoria todos los gatos de mi vecindario y puedo asegurar que a este no le había visto. Entonces, este es quizás su primer encuentro con "El loco de la cámara en la mano", quizás debido a eso me mira con cierto asombro a los ojos. Pero con el tiempo dejaré de interesarle, como a muchos de los otros gatos aquí, los cuales apenas me miran para saludarme y saber si llevo croquetas.
"The black cat waits"/"El gato negro espera"
Rafael is walking down the street looking for something to do to earn a few coins and buy some food. A few metres ahead a black cat is waiting and watching him. In former times Rafael would scare the cat away with the excuse that it would bring him bad luck. But Rafael's luck is already so bad that the poor cat couldn't make it worse.
Rafael va por la calle en búsqueda de algo que hacer para ganar algunas monedas y comprar un poco de comida. Pocos metros adelante un gato negro le espera y le mira. En otros tiempos Rafael espantaría al gato con la excusa de que le traería mala suerte. Pero ya la suerte de Rafael es tan mala que, ese pobre gato no podría hacerla empeorar.
"Otilia and her dead pacemaker"/"Otilia y su marcapasos muerto"
I walk down the street and Otilia, along with her 77 years, is sitting in an old rocking chair in front of her house. She greets me, blesses me, asks about my mother (her childhood friend). After talking for a few minutes she tells me: "she is about to complete the money to change her pacemaker". This has been the case for a decade, when Otilia's neighbours and relatives started to hold raffles, tombolas, parties and collections of all kinds to change Otilia's pacemaker. But the money never seems to be complete. Nevertheless (and in spite of the doctors who cannot explain the miracle) Otilia is still alive with her pacemaker off in her chest (you can see the mark in the photo), she walks kilometres every day, eat anything she wants, sleeps little and prays a lot!. Things happen here that even García Márquez would have liked to steal for his beloved Macondo.
Voy por la calle y Otilia, junto con sus 77 años, está sentada en una vieja mecedora en frente de su casa. Me saluda, me bendice, pregunta por mi madre (su amiga desde la niñez). Luego de hablar unos minutos me dice que: "está a punto de conpletar el dinero para cambiar su marcapasos". Así ha sido desde hace una década, cuando los vecinos y los famimiares de Otilia comenzaron a hacer rifas, tómbolas, fiestas y colectas de todo tipo para cambiar el marca pasos de Otilia. Pero el dinero parece nunca estar completo. Sin embargo (y a despecho de los médicos quienes no se explican el milagro) Otilia sigue viva con su marcapasos apagado en el pecho (pueden ver la marca en la foto), camina kilómetros a diario, come cualquier cosa que desee, duerme poco y reza a montones... Aquí pasan cosas las cuales hasta García Márquez hubiese querido robar para su Macondo amado.
"Portal from the past"/"Portal de antes"
The town has portals, sometimes I find them open and observe things from another time. Once I saw myself as a child flying kites in the silent and lean streets. Then, when I find them now, I lie down on the ground and shoot a burst of photos to steal their reverie.
El pueblo tiene portales, a veces los encuentro abiertos y observo cosas de otros tiempo. Una vez me vi a mi mismo siendo un niño mientras volaba cometas en las calles silenciosas y magras. Entonces, cuando ahora los encuentro, me tumbo al suelo y disparo una ráfaga de fotos para robar su ensueño.
"Nikola's smithy"/"La herrería de Nikola"
Nikola the blacksmith one day discovered that making carts for people to sell sausages, pies and other snacks was a lucrative business. So he gave up shoeing horses and went into business. With the money he made he educated his son, who went to the USA and made good money too. One day the boy came back to the village to take Nikola with him and in some way repay him for all his efforts and paternal dedication. And so it was that Nikola flew to the USA together with his son. But six months later he returned to the village, claiming that: In those "gringo" neighbourhoods, where his son lives, you can't play loud music, much less their "vallenatos" and "rancheras", you can't find friends to drink in the streets and if you throw trash or pee in the street they want to put you in jail"... So Nikola is still here...
Nikola el herrero, un día descubrió que fabricar carritos para que las personas vendan salchichas, empanadas y otros tentempiés era algo lucrativo. Así fue como dejó de herrar caballos y se dedicó a eso. Con el dinero que hizo educó a su hijo, el cual se fue a EEUU e hizo buen dinero también. Un día el chico volvió al pueblo para llevarse a Nikola y de alguna manera retribuirle todo su esfuerzo y dedicación paternal. Y así fue como Nikola voló a EEUU junto con su hijo. Pero seis meses después regresó al pueblo, alegando que: En ese vecindario "gringo", donde vive su hijo, no se puede colocar música a gran volúmen, mucho menos si se trata de sus amados vallenatos y rancheras, tampoco encuentras amigos para beber en las calles y si lanzas basura o meas en la calle quieren meterte preso"... Entonces Nikola sigue aquí...
"Paul reading and the world falling"/"Paul leyendo y el mundo cayendo"
Paul wakes up at 6 am, waits for the sun to lighten and sits down on his favourite street corner to read his old cowboy novels. In front of him the world is happening every day, people search for drinking water, others for domestic gas or wood, a child in the distance goes to a school which only runs two days a week, a guy with a camera takes pictures. But Paul reads without caring too much about what is going on.
Paul se levanta a las 6 AM, espera a que aclare el sol y se siente en su esquina callejera favorita a leer sus viejas novelas de vaqueros. En frente suyo el mundo ocurres a diario, las personas buscan agua potable, otras gas doméstico o lena, un niño a lo lejos va a una escuela la cual funciona apenas dos días a la semana, un tipo con una cámara hace fotos. Pero Paúl lee sin importarle demasiado cuanto ocurra.
"Neighbour cleaning the front"/"Vecino limpiando el frente"
My neighbour hates photos... The look on his face when he sees me coming with my camera is bitter and threatening enough to prevent me from even trying to shoot my camera.... But who says I can't steal a picture of him when I'm carrying a 300mm zoom lens and I'm a couple of streets away? So, my neighbour has not been saved this time. :)
Mi vecino odia las fotos... La cara que pone cuando me ve venir con mi cámara es lo suficientemente amarga y amenazadora como para evitar que yo siquiera intente disparar mi cámara... Sin embargo ¿Quien dice que no puedo robarle una foto cuando llevo un zoom de 300mm y estoy a un par de calles?... Así que,mi vecino no se ha salvado esta vez. :)
As usual, these written lines and these black and white photos are my entry to today's #monomad challenge!
Como de costumbre, estas lineas escritas y estas fotos en blanco y negro son mi entrada al reto #monomad de hoy!
Thank you very much for your visit and appreciation!
¡Muchas gracias por pasar y apreciar!
ADDITIONAL TECHNICAL NOTE: Photographs captured with my Nikon D7000 DSLR camera in RAW format, then processed in Adobe Camera RAW for adjustments regarding light, sharpening, contrast and depth... They were then exported to JGP format on which minor modifications such as straightening and adding watermarks were carried out using PhotoScape 3.6.3.
NOTA TÉCNICA ADICIONAL: Fotografias capturadas con mi cámara DSLR Nikon D7000 en formato RAW, procesadas posteriormente en Adobe Camera RAW para ajustes relativos a luz, afilado, contraste y profundidad... Luego fueron exportadas a formato JGP sobre el cual se llevaron a cabo modificaciones menores como enderezado y agregado de marcas de agua usando PhotoScape 3.6.3.
"We make photographs to understand what our lives mean to ourselves." - Ralph Hattersley.
"Hacemos fotografías para comprender lo que nuestras vidas significan para nosotros mismos." - Ralph Hattersley.
Lens: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lens: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lens: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lens: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lens:AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G
Lente: Sigma 18-200mm f3.5-6.3 II DC OS HSM
Lente: Tokina ATX-PRO 100mm f/2.8 d MACRO
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 55-300mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G VR
Lente: Nikon AF Nikkor 50 mm f/1.8d FX
Lente: AF-S DX NIKKOR 35mm f/1.8G
I love these streetshots and the way you’ve introduced the people in them at a point in their daily routine. Lovely. I am also loving the way you present your posts, I’ve told you before I think, and I’m thinking of revamping the way I present my monomad submissions also. As always a lovely post mate!
Thank you very much for stopping by and appreciating this post friend @scubahead !!!... Sorry for the delay in responding... In this damned country are even rationing our electricity and sometimes we are in a blackout for 12 hours, so everything gets lost, even my interaction in #HIVE!... :( But well, "We have to be the same size of what we face"... I look forward to seeing your new post formats for #monomad! ;)... I'm sure it will continue being something lovely to see!!! Sending hugs!!!
Very good pictures, as well as your stories, there are moments when it seems that you are in some village in Cuba, but instead of Rancheras with Reguetón. Very good post. Thanks for sharing your work.
Thank you friend for your visit... Yes, throughout my stay in #Hive and the contact with many of your coterraneos, I have realised how many similarities we have in many things!.... ;)
You are the chronicler of Montalbán and you will always have stories to tell there. The old lady with the pacemaker, the new cat in the neighborhood... hey, and Nikola throws parties? There's no place for parties there in your town. Another thing I'd like to see is the church. Is there a tall building there that you can take pictures of?
Hello @nanixxx friend !!! Thank you very much for stopping by and appreciating ;)... Yes, Nikola and others do parties he he he.... In this town there are people who prefer to stop eating in order to have enough to party!.... Yes, here we have a church whose belfries are more than 30 metres high, it's quite an old church... Apart from the church, we don't have anything more than two storeys high...
Take a look at these photos, there are some partial views of that church... ;)
May be, one of these days I'll make a post about this building including photos from interior... I don't know when, as I have had some disagreements with our parish priest he he he :))... (he can't stand my love for yoga and reading about Hinduism and other philosophical currents, but it's nothing serious)... :))
Sending hugs!
😅 But that parish priest is so recalcitrant, he doesn't accept that other people think differently... hahaha. Oh my friend, you made me laugh.
Thanks for showing me the church. I had seen some pictures of that building and for days I wanted to ask.
Well ... about people who prefer to party before eating, there are everywhere. To each his own... better not to judge.
A big hug!
But I come from a family of "ultra right wing Catholics" (my maternal grandmother was close to burning people to "saving her soul" and my mother prays daily for "my conversion") and even up to 7 or 8 years ago I myself was an active part of the church and was even part of a brotherhood related to its local ecclesiastical economy... And I had never had any problems with the previous parish priests because of my particular affection for oriental philosophies. That was something I even discussed with other parish priests and was always pleasant to talk about. But when our present parish priest arrived, things changed, especially when once in conversation with him I had the "bad idea" of saying something like: "It seems to me that when you look at a hummingbird feeding on a flower, you are somehow looking at God expressing himself"... Well, I got a hell of a reprimand from him after that!... Even of heresy, apostasy and I don't remember what else!... hehehehehe :))... Then, it was something regrettable when, while I was at mass, the priest said: "Life is not for getting up in the morning and going around taking pictures in the streets, life is for sacrificing oneself for others"... That day I understood that something in me had changed too much to be understood by the parish priest and (and by many parishioners, I am sure).... So, that's what happens.... :( In these small villages, this kind of thing still happens (in the 21st century)...
I was stunned.
We'll have to forget that photo for the time being :(
THANKS a lot @qurator team and @brumest friend!!! :))
Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!
THANKS dear @monochromes team!!!! ;)
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@jlinaresp(2/10) tipped @scubahead
Thanks a lot dear @mnurhiver friend!!!