Monomad || Photos to my friend's gifts.

in Black And White8 months ago

These photos are my entry for the #monomad contest by @brumest and @monochromes


[ #english ] Today I bring to share with you a post that I wrote several months ago, however, it got forgotten in one of my laptop folders, I remember that at that time I had bought a 35 mm 1: 1.8 G Nikkor lens, and I took pictures of all the objects, I simply explored its powerful bokeh effect and its great sharpness.

In those days I received a visit from my friend who had brought me some gifts from her trip to Tope de Collante, this is a tourist place located in the center of the island of Cuba, taking advantage of the occasion I made the photos I show below.

I hope they are to your liking, term wishing you an excellent day and until a next post, best regards.

[ #spanish ] Hoy traigo para compartir con ustedes un post que escribí hace varios meses, sin embargo, se quedó olvidado en una de mis carpetas de la laptop, recuerdo que en ese tiempo había comprado un lente Nikkor de 35 mm 1: 1.8 G, y realizaba fotografías a todos los objetos, simplemente exploraba su potente efecto bokeh y su gran nitidez.

En esos días recibí una visita de mi amiga la cual me había traído unos regalos de su viaje a Tope de Collante, este es un lugar turístico ubicado en el centro de la isla de cuba, aprovechando la ocasión le realicé las fotos que muestro a continuación.

Espero que sean de su agrado, término deseándoles un excelente día y hasta un próximo post, saludos cordiales.


Nikon D 7500
Nikon D 5000
Nikkor AF-P 70-300 mm 1:4.5-6.3 G ED.
Nikkor AF-S 55-200 mm 1:4-5.6 G ED.
Nikkor AF-P 50 mm 1:1.8 D.
Nikkor AF-S 35 mm 1:1.8 G.
Nikkor AF-P 10-20 mm 1:4.5-5.6 G.

All the photos and texts in this post are my authorship.




Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much dear @brumest and @qurator Team, have a great day, best regards 🙋🙋🙋🙋

 8 months ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad first place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!