#Monomad challenge: Totally ZEN…….hummmmmm ~ animals and birds in b&w

in Black And White2 years ago

Hi all 👋🏻

Today I want to share with you some Black & White photographs I took of some interesting characters of the animal and bird kingdoms over the years. They are “my entry for the #monomad challenge" all photographs are taken with my (late) Canon eos 550D with 18 - 135 mm lens.

Let’s start with this Photograph:
”hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” this lemur is enjoying the first sun beams with its buddy, on an early spring day to warm up and is in total meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️ Just look at his little fingers 🥰
One of my favourite captures over the last years 😇

Next I show you this character:
Look me in the eye… she says. Tune in to my voice….
You are getting…. Sleepy 🥱

To follow with this guy:
“I’m sleeping…

Truly I am!”

But I know your not hahahaha 🤣😂
I saw you peaking hahaha, there you are 😎👋🏻

But all kidding aside…
Let me show you a few more birds and animals I encountered 😁

A beautiful crowned crane.

And this Lioness 🦁 she is thinking… deeply.

Glossy ibis… this one is all black instead of the red colour that most know about.

Little birdy that was amused by what I was doing. I could get very close by and capture it’s look.
We see here the eurasian bullfinch.

Ooowwww how I miss my DSLR camera, now I’m going through my folders to search for photographs… sooooonnnn I get a new one, after the move 🤓 soon……

Hope you got a small taste of my animal and bird photography I showed you today.
As that’s all for todays post 😉 until the next one 👋🏻💃🏻

Thank you for looking and reading😊 and if you liked my post, an upvote or re-blog is always welcome 🙏🏻
Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.

Have a great Thursday all 😎
Grtz Jackie


The divider is Created by SilverFish / @ mondoshawan

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me first. As I have used some commercially myself. We don’t want that you or somebody else gets into trouble 😉 So please don’t use them without my consent.

🖼 My PRINTSHOP: for the purchase of all kind of prints in many sizes from my Artworks 🎨 and Photography 📸 Which come on different objects too. Have a look in My Prints Shop!


These are wonderful photos @littlebee4. They are all great but I especially love the lemur photo. 😊

Thank you so much @redheadpei 😁
Much appreciated!
That’s one of my favourite captures. It’s so fun… 🤩🥰

Hello @ bettlebee4 what beautiful photos of animals, I loved all of them but the Lemur thing hahahaha, that was very funny, see how they had their fingers in a meditation pose hahaha

Thank you so much @lileisabel 😊
I know…. So funny that pose with his fingers… 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️ So cool I could capture that. Hahaha 🤣

Those two lemurs are awesome! So chilled :)
And owls are just cats with feathers :p

When are you planning to move? Just asking to know when is the time for the new cam ;)

They are just so cute… sitting there in the sun 🥰 I could watch them forever…

Yes, that’s what I always used to say. They are sooooo like cats. The owls.

We hoped we would have been moved before the summer. But because it is a country and continental move (company is relocating us) it takes much much longer. Lots of backlogs in the paperwork etc. so now we hope… for somewhere this year. No date picked yet. Been planning around it since October. But so many others are involved, it’s a waiting game.
So for me, not yet a new camera… as I know with moves there are always unexpected cost. Moved around a lot hahaha 🤣

So after we arrived and have kinda settled I will have a look around for a new one. 😉😎

Ohh okay. I saw you mentioning the move a couple of times.
Hopefully it's done soon :)

We are just in between of everything it almost feels. Luckily I am patient, hubby not so much… poor him.
Thank you @ewkaw we hope it too 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻
Enjoy your day further 👋🏻☀️
Cloudy and windy here.

The lemurs fingers are hilarious. I wouldn't have caught that if you hadn't pointed it out 😂

They sooooo are hahahaha @leaky20 😉 I’m so happy I captured that moment 😁
That’s why the title… 🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️

I love lemurs... Here is one thinking like Rodin 😀 during a trip to Madagascar :

035 - Maki Parc Antananarivo.JPG

They are just great and so friendly and curious.
Love them. I have many photographs of them 😎

I see hahaha must have been an amazing trip. Still on my bucket list 😁

Yep beautiful country with some natural wonders

It does have… and the wildlife found there you won’t see anywhere else. (Some of them)

WOW they are all such great photos love them all

that lens is such a versatile lens, I have a 24-240 that I used to use a lot around the city, but I fell once and damaged it, it still works but I dont feel its as sharp as it used to be, Tamron have brought out a 30-150 thats F2/2.8 that sounds awesome I am saving up for that

Thank you so much @tattoodjay 😁

I so love that lens… aiming to get one in that range again. Or close to it. As I can use it for macro… flowers and butterflies and buildings, landscapes. Basically for everything I would like to photograph.

That’s a shame you fell and it damaged it. Somehow those kind of things are changing certain aspects of the capture.
Will have a look at the Tamron. Sounds interesting. Thanks. 🤓
Have a great day further 👋🏻☀️

its a real nice range to walk around with versatile for so many different styles of photography

the Tamron would fit well into my style of photography and would replace the still working but not quite right 24-240, and with F2/F2.8 would be very versatile as well, but its not available yet and for sure not cheap LOL

Yes, walking around. I tend to point and shoot handheld. Being in the moment…
Aha, ok. Hadn’t had time to check the Tamron out, was away visiting friends this evening for a bbq, but it’s not available yet either.

I was planning to buy a new camera after the move anyway. As moves always have extra cost that are nott expected.
Things are getting delayed etc. so it can take a little while. Still hope it happens this year 😉 gives me plenty of time to find the right camera and lens… to research and try out in shops.

visiting friends and having time with them was time better spent than with Mr google LOL

I hope things fall into place with you and your move can happen, but having more time for research is not a bad thing either

It sure was… we had not seen them in years as they had not been able to visit their house in Spain with the pandemic.

Thanks, it is great for that. Gives me something to do hahaha 🤣
Enjoy your evening!

Well it is morning now, a rainy morning and having the grandkids this afternoon so taking it easier this morning

Love this photos

The lemurs are so chilled 😅
It's exciting that you're getting a new cam soon ☺️

Thank you so much @stevenson7 😁

They are truly chilled 😎🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️Hahaha 🤣
It sure is. 🤩🤩🤩

These are gorgeous. You know when I see animal photos like these with their eyes staring, I always wonder what it is they're thinking! After that, I wander what language they're thinking in. Did you see @derangedvision's competition this week?

Thank you so much @nathen007 😎 that’s what I do hahaha as you can see on the text I added.
I always wonder what they think… “look at that human observing me” kind of thing hahaha

Nope, missed the b&w contest. If I can find some time I will enter… but the next 2 days are looking fully packed. Not even sure if I’m around to comment much. We will see 😁
Enjoy your day further 👋🏻☀️

some great photos! well done.

Thank you so much @mypathtofire 😁💃🏻
Have a truly awesome day today!

Thank you! You too! 🙂

Thanks 💃🏻☀️

Those pictures are amazing, I loved it, animals are always beautiful and great topic to take theirs photos, also enjoy the article very fun ✌️

Thank you so much @pumarte 😁 they sure make great subjects and can be so funny or cool 😉
Have a great day today!

The photos are so nice. A good mixture of everything !

Thank you so much @olympicdragon 😁 I like to mix it up a bit.
Have a wonderful weekend 👋🏻☀️

The photos are so focused, excellent use of colors and good imagination. You too have a great weekend !

Thank you so much @olympicdragon 😎 nice to here!
Enjoy yours…

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