Monomad Challenge - Portraits with a interesting architecture

in Black And White8 months ago (edited)

Hello dear Black And White community, my best wishes to all of you, I hope today is a successful day for everyone.

The photo session with Armando was very cool and pleasant because I had the freedom to choose the places and the variety of shots and angles for the photo session in addition to that, Armando is so fotogenic and he looked very good in all the photos making The photo session to flow very quickly and pleasantly.

For this second part of the photo session we went to a location that has interesting architecture and we wanted to use it as a background for the photo session, plus his clothing combined very well with the architecture.

I will use these photos as an entry to the #monomad challenge contest.

Hola querida comunidad de Black And White, mis mejores deseos para todos ustedes, espero que el dia de hoy sea un dia exitoso para todos.

La sesion de fotos con Armando fue muy cool y agradable porque tuve la libertad de escoger los lugares y la variedad de tomas y angulos para la sesion de fotos, ademas de que Armando al ser tan fotogenico se veia muy bien en todas las fotos haciendo que la sesion de fotos fluyera muy rapido y agradable.

Para esta segunda parte de la sesion de fotos fuimos a una locacion que tiene una arquitectura interesante y quisimos usarla de fondo para la sesion de fotos, ademas de que su vestimenta combinaba muy bien con la arquitectura.

Usare estas fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge.



These photos were taken to establish the location and show you the space we were in, then I proceeded to take medium shot shots to complement:

Estas fotos fueron para establecer la locacion y mostrarles el espacio en el que nos encontrabamos, luego procedì a hacer tomas de plano mediano para complementar:



"This is my entry for the #monomad challenge."


And every photo session must have close shots to focus on our model:

Y toda sesion de fotos debe tener planos cerrados para enfocarnos en nuestro modelo:



Then we continue exploring the area to see other elements we could integrate into the photos to create beautiful compositions:

Luego seguimos explorando el area para que ver otros elementos podriamos integrar en las fotos para crear unas composiciones bonitas:




For all the photos I used my CANON RP camera and a 50mm lens at 2.8f to give a nice bokeh effect but still preserving the definition of our model's face.

We were both very happy with the photos, I hope you liked the photos as much as we did.

Para todas las fotos utilice mi camara CANON RP y un lente 50mm al 2.8f para dar un bonito efecto bokeh pero aun conservando la definicion del rostro de nuestro modelo.

Ambos quedamos muy contentos con las fotos, espero que a ustedes les hayan gustado las fotos tanto como a nosotros.



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Thanks you really much!!

You are most welcome.
I'll keep up the good work.

Yay! 🤗
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Great shots. Such a cool location. I wonder what those bricks look like in color.

Thanks reallly much for passing by @derangedvisions of course you can see them in color :

Cool textures man.