MONOMAD - Destellos de Sol / Flashes of Sunlight

in Black And White4 years ago

Destellos de Sol / Flashes of Sunlight

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Cuando el sol aparece en los días nublados crea un bello efecto en el cielo, esta vez se puede notar como sus rayos se reflejan en el mar iluminándolo y creando un paisaje muy hermoso que en blanco y negro se puede apreciar mucho mejor, haciendo un contraste entre los tonos oscuros del mar y esas nubes cargadas de agua. La naturaleza siempre nos da cosas maravillosas para observar y compartir. Espero sea de su agrado, nos vemos pronto.

When the sun appears in the cloudy days it creates a beautiful effect in the sky, this time you can notice how its rays are reflected in the sea illuminating it and creating a very beautiful landscape that in black and white can be appreciated much better, making a contrast between the dark tones of the sea and those clouds loaded with water. Nature always gives us wonderful things to observe and share. I hope you like it, see you soon.

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Author: @manuel82

Photograph taken with camera Fujifilm HS25EXR
Cumaná - Venezuela

a warm greeting to @brumest the creator of the contest #MONOMAD

Here you can see the Rules of the MONOMAD Photographic Contest
I say goodbye until a next opportunity.


Manually curated by brumest from the Qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much @brumest and @qurator for supporting my publication, regards.