Cb 400 motorcycle photography- monomad daily chalenge

in Black And White8 months ago

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Hello my dear friends, I'm Menti and I'm back with another photography and another blog, the newest part of photography of heavy motorcycle CB 400, a wonderful ride for friends who like high speed and excitement, I did this photography in one day. I did great. I mean, in the atmosphere of that day, we had both rain and fog, and a little cloud and a little sun, all of which had a very strange atmosphere at the output of my work. All of them worked together to capture some good shots from that day.
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My model wore two styles, I photographed each one separately. Although I liked her style to be more of a racing style, I liked her dressing style. He really loved his motorcycle and treated it like a living creature. I also gave him artistic and cinematic poses as much as I could so that he could feel good during the performance and look good in the photo.
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I think photo number three was the best photo of this collection, after the breathtaking photography and shooting of these few days, it was the photo that took the fatigue out of my body, I'd rather say it was the only photo that could do that.
The photo has a certain complexity, in its simplicity, emotions and the moment, as if everything is frozen for a moment and the only feeling that waves is the confidence you feel between the hands of the motorcycle driver, that he is a professional and knows his job well.

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Next, I took a picture from the side view. From the shoulder of the road to the horizon, it was logical that I was trying to have different frames in this new experience. I try to take pictures of views that I may not even use.
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Well, this is from today's photography and I hope that the photos have taken you to high speed and excitement even for a moment, thank you for being with me until the end of the post and I am happy to be among you dear ones.
Photography By 📸 @menati

 8 months ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!