Portrait Photography in the Studio: Capturing Beauty in Black and White monomad daily chalenge

in Black And White2 months ago

Greetings to my esteemed fellow members of the black and white photography community! I hope all is well within our virtual haven. I'm excited to return with another photographic endeavor and a corresponding blog post. This time, I delve into the realm of studio portraiture, featuring a unique model with an elongated, chiseled visage.

In this photoshoot, I strived to harness the power of lighting to craft an exceptional image brimming with soft, diffused shadows and highlights. This gentle interplay of light and shadow aimed to establish a harmonious balance against the model's striking features

The lighting setup employed three key lights. The primary light, positioned at a 45-degree angle, bathed the model in illumination. Meanwhile, two additional lights served as rim lights, casting a subtle glow from behind. As a general rule, I maintain a two-to-one intensity ratio between the primary light and the rim lights, a practice that has yielded consistent success in my previous work.


Throughout the shoot, the model donned a hooded sweatshirt, which, in conjunction with hand gestures and verbal cues, facilitated the development of dynamic poses. I actively guided the model towards refining their stances, and their responsiveness proved invaluable in achieving the desired aesthetic.

A palpable sense of camaraderie permeated the atmosphere during the session. The model's genuine immersion in the role, coupled with their enthusiastic embrace of my creative suggestions, proved instrumental in the creation of these captivating portraits.

This harmonious synergy between photographer and model elevated the essence of the photographs, imbuing them with a profound emotional depth. The black and white backdrop, devoid of distractions, served to accentuate the subject's presence, drawing the viewer's focus squarely onto the model's captivating features.

I trust that these insights into my creative process have proven valuable. Thank you for accompanying me on this photographic journey. I wish you a day brimming with inspiration and artistic fulfillment.

Photography By @menati
Camera sony a7 r iii lens 24-70 f 2.8 sigmaArt