Photography is timeless, my entry to today's Monomad Challenge.

One of the things I like the most about photography is that it has no time, you capture an instant when you take the picture and you know that this instant is constantly repeated although in reality that scene is unique, it is likely that everything is repeated with different characters, animals etc, but the essence is repeated.


Look at this picture, it could be the father with his son, or an uncle with his nephew, or a father with his stepson, or the mother's friend etc, there are many possibilities, I know that this image will not be repeated, but the history will, the moment or the way in which I took the picture will not be repeated but somewhere in the world this history is repeated over and over again, don't you think so?


Well time to tell my story, this time I was walking on the beach, my niece loves to go to the beach and see the release of turtles, for some strange reason every time they release turtles she hears about it and asks me to take her, we have gone many times but I don't remember sharing these pictures with you, so I think today is a good time.


The place we are going to is called Playa El Borrego in San Blas Nayarit, it is about 50 minutes from my house and there are many restaurants and a pretty big beach, the next time I go there I might even take a video to share, although it is likely that the audio will not be good because it is too windy.


In this place there is a site for the conservation of the olive ridley turtle, it is not a government project but an activity of the citizens, when we go there we bring things that can be useful for them such as bottled water, insect repellent, glasses, cookies, etc., they watch the beach at night waiting for the turtles that are going to lay their eggs, then they collect the eggs and put them in a secluded place where they can grow until they hatch and return to the beach.


Once they are born they are released no matter what day of the week it is, they have to go back to the sea and start their life, it is a real spectacle and my niece and I enjoy it every time we watch it.


Every time we visit the place I spend about $100 for gas, highway tolls, food and what we bring to support the organization, but the look of happiness on my niece's face is priceless.


Oh, that was amazing.
I never saw turtles on beaches here in the Philippines. I hope they are protected. Thanks for sharing friend.

Many people eat turtle eggs, which is why this type of project is necessary to preserve the species.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Vaya experiencia a de ser... Algún día espero poder ir...

¿Qué fechas son las mejores para poder disfrutar este espectáculo?

Un saludo desde Hidalgo mi estimado.

Sí es un bello espectáculo, y por lo que he visto en otoño e invierno es cuando más nacen tortugas en este lugar, saludos.