My Entry Monomad Challenge #339 ~ People are looking for oysters in the Estuary

in Black And White8 months ago
Authored by @myasir

Hello Hiver in Black And White Community Lover

My entry this time is some pictures of black and white Photos


Today, I'm back in the black and white photography challenge contest here. The pictures that I shared and included this time are about coastal community activities. Especially women. Almost every day this location is always busy with oyster and shellfish seekers.

Hari ini, aku kembali mengikuti kontes tantangan fotografi hitam dan putih di sini. Adapun gambar yang saya bagikan dan saya ikutkan pada kali ini adalah tentang akvitas masyarakat pesisir. Khususnya para wanita. Hampir setiap hari dilokasi ini selalu ramai para pencari tiram dan kerang.


Yes, when the river water recedes, of course. The women looked for oysters at the mouth of the river. Armed with tools such as machetes, buckets and various other equipment, they were used to search for oysters/shellfish at the mouth of this river.

Ya, saat air sungai muaranya surut tentunya. Para wanita tersebut mencari tiram di muara sungai. Dengan berbekal alat seperti parang, ember dan berbagai peralatan lainnya digunakan untuk mencari tiram/kerang di muara sungai ini.


The information I got from those looking for oysters and shellfish at the river mouth. The collected oysters and shellfish will be sold at traditional markets.

Informasi yang saya dapatkan dari para pencari tiram dan kerang tersebut di muara sungai. Tiram dan kerang yang berhasil dikumpulkan akan di jual kepasar tradisional.


Well, that's all my post on this occasion. And also some photos that I share in this post.

Nah, itu saja postingan saya pada kesempatan kali ini. Dan juga beberapa foto yang saya bagikan pada postingan ini.


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Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

 8 months ago  

Congratulations. Today's #monomad second place is yours.
Thank You very much for participating and for being part of the Black And White Community!

Thank you for choise my picture the post..